“the status code of 404 has the following meaning: 'client error - the requested resource could not be found on the server'” 这句话的意思是:“状态码404表示客户端错误——请求的资源在服务器上无法找到”。 综上所述,HTTP 404状态码是一个常见的客户端错误状态码,表示客户端请求的资源在服务器上...
Having a standard 404 error page is better than having none at all, although a customized page is more preferred for several reasons. On the one hand, you can be sure that visitors receive anaccurate HTTP status code: for example, if the requested content is no longer present on the s...
An HTTP status code known as a “404 error” or “404 Not Found” signifies that the server could not locate the requested resource. This error arises when a client, typically a browser, requests a web server, but the server cannot find the page, file, or other resource being sought. I...
If an API calling fails, no result data is returned. You can locate the cause of the error according to the error code of each API. If an API calling fails, HTTP status c
This status code indicates that the request has been successful. The meaning of success in on the specific HTTP method: GET: the resource was fetched and is being transmitted HEAD: The entity-headers are in the message body PUT or POST: The resource describing the result of the action is ...
Error codeMeaning 16 Not enough virtual storage. Log on with more storage or specify VARSTORAGE(HIGH) in your TSO/E PROFILE. 300 User tried to update a control variable that can only be updated by the system. 304 Not valid keyword found on EXIT statement. 308 CODE keyword specified, but...
If an API call fails, no result data is returned. You can locate the cause of the error according to the error code of each API. If an API call fails, HTTP status code 3x
Unofficial error code, indicating bandwidth allocation has been or will soon be exceeded. 510: Not ExtendedThe request contains a mandatory extension policy which is not accepted by the server. 999: Non-standardThis non-standard code is returned by some sites (e.g. linkedin) which do not ...
The 404 error code is a standardized HTTP status code, which indicates that the server was unable to find the requested resource. The first digit "4" indicates that the error falls under the category of client errors, meaning that the error was caused by an issue with the client's request...
This message is called an "HTTP status code," which is often used interchangeably with the term "HTTP status line," but they are slightly different. The HTTP status line is more complete and contains two parts: The HTTP status code (e.g. 404). The HTTP reason phrase (e.g. requested ...