针对错误代码2168-0002(0x4a8),以下是一些可能的原因和解决方案: 1. 错误代码含义 错误代码2168-0002(0x4a8)通常与Nintendo Switch的游戏或系统更新有关,特别是在涉及SD卡操作、破解系统或自定义固件时更为常见。该错误可能表明系统或游戏文件已损坏,或SD卡操作不当导致数据不一致。 2. 常见解决方案 2.1 对于非...
升级Firmware:根据报错提示冷Program:010000000000100DError Code:2168-0002 (Ox4a8)这个错误通常表示程序试图执行一个不支持的操作一种可能的原因是你正在运行的程序需要更高的系统版本你可以考虑将你的Switch系统进行升级到最新的可用版本来解决此问题2. 降级应用程序/游戏:如果无法升级系统或者升级后还是有问题,那么...
I turned off the NS and I can't turn it on. It was showed fatal error nx boot unable to identify package on that time. After that, I tried to update Atmosphere to 0.10.2 master. The NS have been turned on but it shows me another error code which is 2168-0002 (0x4a8) so I ...
When I try to play newly downloaded music onto sys tune and play them, my switch either ignores it or crashes. I have been trying to fix it for over a week and nothing has worked. Please let me know how to fix this.
我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 根据你提供的错误代码2168-0002,这个错误似乎是Switchlite设备上的一个问题,而不是与移动电话相关的。虽然我无法通过文字和图片确定具体的故障原因,但我可以给你一些可能的原因和解决方案供你参考:1. 软件问题:可能是系统软件或游戏软件的漏洞或不兼容导致的。此...
8552 (0x2168)The operation requires that source domain auditing be enabled.ERROR_DS_CANT_CREATE_IN_NONDOMAIN_NC8553 (0x2169)Security principal objects can only be created inside domain naming contexts.ERROR_DS_INVALID_NAME_FOR_SPN8554 (0x216A)...
integrity sha512-zbMsPMy/v0PWFZEhQJ66bqjhH+z0JgMoBWuikXybgG3Gkd/3t5oQ1Rw2WQhnSrsOmsKXnZOx15tkC4qON/+JPg== dependencies: "@babel/code-frame" "^7.8.3" "@babel/parser" "^7.8.6" "@babel/types" "^7.8.6" "@babel/traverse@^7.1.0", "@babel/traverse@^7.4.3", "@babel/tr...
integrity sha512-zbMsPMy/v0PWFZEhQJ66bqjhH+z0JgMoBWuikXybgG3Gkd/3t5oQ1Rw2WQhnSrsOmsKXnZOx15tkC4qON/+JPg== dependencies: "@babel/code-frame" "^7.8.3" "@babel/parser" "^7.8.6" "@babel/types" "^7.8.6" "@babel/traverse@^7.1.0", "@babel/traverse@^7.4.3", "@babel/tr...
notcatnine changed the title Error Code 0x4A8 (2168-0002) on program id 01006f8002326000 Error Code 0x4A8 (2168-0002) on Smash Ultimate Feb 23, 2024 Author notcatnine commented Feb 23, 2024 As an addition, I am going to try all-in-one switch updater later in my day to make ...
Bug Report A fatal error occurred when running Atmosphere. Title ID: 010041544d530000 Error Desc: std::abort() called (0xffe) Report saved to /atmosphere/fatal_errors/report_0000000061b2685.bin What's the issue you encountered? After boo...