消息:由于许多连接错误,主机'%s'被阻止;用'mysqladmin flush-hosts'解锁 错误号:1130; 符号: ER_HOST_NOT_PRIVILEGED; SQLSTATE: HY000消息:不允许主机“%s”连接到该MySQL服务器 错误号:1131; 符号: ER_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_USER; SQLSTATE:42000消息:您将MySQL作为匿名用户使用,并且不允许匿名用户更改密码 错误...
Bug #51630 Internal error with shm transport Submitted: 2 Mar 2010 9:43Modified: 14 Apr 2010 13:51 Reporter: artem gorbyk Email Updates: Status: Verified Impact on me: None Category: MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engineSeverity: S2 (Serious)...
[myschema.e_daily] Unknown database 'mydb' Example server-side error message sent to client programs, as displayed by the mysql client: mysql> SELECT * FROM no_such_table; ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'test.no_such_table' doesn't exist Each server error message includes an error code, ...
MySQL error code: Call mysql_errno() SQLSTATE value: Call mysql_sqlstate() Error message: Call mysql_error() For prepared statements, the corresponding error functions are mysql_stmt_errno(), mysql_stmt_sqlstate(), and mysql_stmt_error(). All error functions are described in Section ...
MariaDB shares error codes with MySQL, as well as adding a number of new error codes specific to MariaDB. An example of an error code is as follows: SELECT * FROM x; ERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected Contents Shared MariaDB/MySQL error codes MariaDB-specific error codes ...
When an error occurs, you can access the MySQL error code, the SQLSTATE value, and the message string using C API functions: MySQL error code: Call mysql_errno() SQLSTATE value: Call mysql_sqlstate() Error message: Call mysql_error() For prepared statements, the corresponding error...
db mysql http://lindows.iyunv.com/admin/blogs/232318http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/zh/error-handling.html#error-messages-server http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/zh/error-handling.html#error-messages-clientMySQL错误_中文参照列表...
[myschema.e_daily] Unknown database 'mydb' Example server-side error message sent to client programs, as displayed by the mysql client: mysql> SELECT * FROM no_such_table; ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'test.no_such_table' doesn't exist Each server error message includes an error code, ...
A numeric error code, in this case 1046. Error codes from 1900 and up are specific to MariaDB, while error codes from 1000 to 1800 are shared by MySQL and MariaDB. An SQLSTATE value, consisting of five characters, in this case 3D000. These codes are standard to ODBC and ANSI SQL....