方法一:就是传说中的万能大法,关机重启Mac,有时候报这个错误可能是安装进程出错导致的,关机重启一次Mac 基本能解决。 方法二:万能大法也不管用的情况还是有的,尤其是M1\M2芯片的Mac经常会用到,可以尝试删除一个名为Core Sync.app 的工具,路径如下: /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Sync 也可以将Adobe Sync 文件夹里...
mac illustrator error code 146Mac Illustrator 错误代码 146 通常是由于安装问题或软件损坏导致的。以下是一些可能的解决方案: 1.重启Mac:有时候,简单的重启可以解决安装问题。 2.允许“任何来源”App:在系统偏好设置中的“安全性与隐私”模块里,默认关闭了允许“任何来源”App,并为隐藏状态。 如果不开启,会导致...
FATAL: Error (Code = 146) executing in command 'MoveFileCommand' for package: 'CoreSync-mul', version: Error occurred in install of package (Name: CoreSync-mul Version: Error code: '146'WARN: Unable to move file at "/System/Volumes/Data/.adobeTemp/C6...
FATAL: Error (Code = 146) executing in command 'MoveFileCommand' for package: 'CoreSync-mul', version: Error occurred in install of package (Name: CoreSync-mul Version: Error code: '146'WARN: Unable to move file at "/System/Volumes/Data/.adobeTemp/C61...
Failed with error code 146 提示解决 老生常谈的问题了。 方法1: 先重启一下电脑,一般就解决了。 方法2: 上面方法无效时候 打开 访达 – 应用程序 – 实用工具 – Adobe Sync –把 CoreSync 文件夹删除即可解决。 如果删除提示: 不能将项目“Core Sync”移...
Mac安装Adobe Photoshop的时候提示 Error The installation cannot continue as the installer file may be damaged. Download the installer file again. 安装Photoshop为例,打开安装包 找到install,右键打开,显示包内容 点击Contants 点击MacOS 点击Install,就可以安装了 ...
Can't embed Adobe OpenType fonts Can't install 64-bit Office with 32-bit Can't install 64-bit version of Office with Click-to-Run Can't locate proxy server when clicking hyperlink Can't open a file from UNC share Can't open Click-to-run version of Office on terminal server C...
Mac安装Adobe Photoshop的时候提示 Error The installation cannot continue as the installer file may be damaged. Download the installer file again. 安装Photoshop为例,打开安装包 找到install,右键打开,显示包内容 点击Contants 点击MacOS 点击Install,就可以安装了 ...
Mac安装Adobe Photoshop的时候提示 Error The installation cannot continue as the installer file may be damaged. Download the installer file again. 安装Photoshop为例,打开安装包 找到install,右键打开,显示包内容 点击Contants 点击MacOS 点击Install,就可以安装了 ...