/Ghost/User data/Desktop/MC/Minecraft1.7.10简单整合/HMCL-2.2.1.exe;/E:/Ghost/User data/Desktop/MC/Minecraft1.7.10简单整合/lib/gson-2.2.4.jar;/E:/Ghost/User data/Desktop/MC/Minecraft1.7.10简单整合/lib/MetroLookAndFeel.jar;/E:/Ghost/User data/Desktop/MC/Minecraft1.7.10简单整合/lib/HMCL...
Minecraft 无法正常启动、崩溃(Crash)等常见问题当游戏无法正常启动时,请事先参考http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2735714718查看是否按步骤正确安装。以下所列为较为常见的无法启动游戏、游戏崩溃的情况:1.提示未安装Java2.点击启动游戏无反应:3.Bad video card drivers!4.Error:Couldnot create the java Virtual Machine...
错误代码:-1整合包FTB OceanBlock 1.11.0 JAVA 版本: 8u321 报错日志如下: MultiMC version: 0.6.14-3001 Launched instance in online mode authserver.mojang.com resolves to: [] session.minecraft.net resolves to: [,,] textures.minecraft.net ...
basically, the error occurs when you try to attempt to sign in to Minecraft. The reason behind this might be various because the problem may be from the Minecraft servers or the problem might be from your internet.
Welcome to the Community! Sorry to hear about the issue on your laptop. It sounds like you're encountering a common issue related to graphics drivers when running mods on Minecraft with the Forge mod loader, perhaps a conflict with the current version installed. ...
I keep getting the exit code "-1073740791" - Java Edition Support - Support - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum 在这篇文章里,一位名叫”苦力怕摧毁者“的帅气老兄提出可以降级到436.15的版本 打开链接是这个 好的,恭喜你找到了问题的解决方案,打开百度搜索436.15,然后下载这个驱动装上即可 ...
Hi so In Minecraft I get this error in my logs According to the launcher log file this crash was caused by ig7icd64.dll a part of intel graphics can
Check server status: Since the primary cause of the error code Glowstone in Minecraft is server issues, check the Minecraft server status to ensure there are no scheduled maintenance, downtime, or outages. Check the game’sofficial Twitter handlefor server updates. ...
Hi so In Minecraft I get this error in my logs According to the launcher log file this crash was caused by ig7icd64.dll a part of intel graphics can you guys see my logs that I send you and see if you can find anything can you please contacted me thank you so much and...
Minecraft Error Code Obsidian: 9 Potential Fixes Image source: Mojang via The Nerd Stash Sometimes, unidentified issues can occur due to a temporary service outage; just wait until the team patches it with a hotfix. Even so, you could try these methods to see if they fix the Obsidian Error...