14076 Assembly Protection Error: The catalog for an assembly is not valid, or does not match the assembly's manifest. 14077 An HRESULT could not be translated to a corresponding Win32 error code. 14078 Assembly Protection Error: The catalog for an assembly is missing. 14079 The supplied ...
11008codeId不合法二维码对应的信息中缺少codeId(兼容性判断逻辑,一般不会出现) 11009小程序正在运行中(启动小程序防抖)频繁多次打开同一小程序 11010(安卓)预加载基础库文件不存在打开线上小程序时,配置了离线基础库路径,但是文件不存在 11011(安卓)预加载小程序文件不存在打开线上小程序时,配置了离线小程序包路径,...
Table 1. Error code functional areas and related number ranges Table 2. Error code table by number range Table 3. General error codes Table 4. Active cache Show 30 more This topic contains tables of error codes for the Project Server Interface (PSI) in Project Server 2013. The tabl...
1st Level Text = 'A reason code is required to log out' 2nd Level Text = 'The agent is configured to require a logout reason and none was specified.' 3rd Level Text = '' 10131 PERERR_TELDRIVE_REASONCODEREQUIREDFORNOTREADY 1st Level Text = 'A reason code is required to go NOT REA...
Users should handle this code by releasing the query result object and reissuing the query. ERROR_EVT_QUERY_RESULT_INVALID_POSITION 15012 (0x3AA4) Query result is currently at an invalid position. ERROR_EVT_NON_VALIDATING_MSXML 15013 (0x3AA5) Registered MSXML doesn't support validation. ...
ROMA.13012 The dictionary already exists. The dictionary already exists. Modify or create a dictionary. 400 ROMA.13013 The parent dictionary is invalid. The parent dictionary is invalid. Create a valid parent dictionary. 400 ROMA.13014 The system dictionary cannot be deleted. ...
VAR-09004: Automation call returned error!\n\nCode:\t%0ld\n%s. Cause:Generic job control error encountered during the submission of a job Action:Contact Worldwide Customer Support. VAR-10000: No Tablespaces selected. Cause:You did not select any tablespaces on page 2 of the Backup wizard....
CustomFieldCodeValueAlreadyUsed 值= 11711。程式碼值已在使用中。 CustomFieldMaxValuesExceeded 值= 11712。超出最大的自訂欄位值。 CustomFieldRequiredValueNotProvided 值= 11713。未提供必要的自訂欄位值。 CustomFieldCannotChangeLookupTable 值= 11715。無法變更自訂欄位的查閱表格。 CustomFieldFilterInvalid 值=...
does that code have any meaning or purpose? Thanks for all your comments!"},"Conversation:conversation:3030127":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:3030127","solved":false,"topic":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:message:3030127"},"lastPostingActivityTime":"2021-12-06T07:43:12.668-...
CustomFieldCodeValueAlreadyUsed 值= 11711。程式碼值已在使用中。 CustomFieldMaxValuesExceeded 值= 11712。超出最大的自訂欄位值。 CustomFieldRequiredValueNotProvided 值= 11713。未提供必要的自訂欄位值。 CustomFieldCannotChangeLookupTable 值= 11715。無法變更自訂欄位的查閱表格。 CustomFieldFilterInvalid 值=...