0 操作成功完成。 1 功能错误。 2 系统找不到指定的文件。 3 系统找不到指定的路径。 4 系统无法打开文件。 5 拒绝访问。 6 句柄无效。 7 存储控制块被损坏。 8 存储空间不足,无法处理此命令。 9 存储控制块地址无效。 10 环境错误。 11 试图加载格式错误的程序。 12 访问码无效。 13 数据无效。 14 ...
1235:MySQL版本过低,不具有本功能 错误:1236 SQLSTATE: HY000 (ER_MASTER_FATAL_ERROR_READING_BINLOG) 消息:从二进制日志读取数据时,获得来自主服务器的致命错误%d: ’%s’。 错误:1237 SQLSTATE: HY000 (ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_TABLE) 消息:由于“replicate-*-table”规则,从SQL线程忽略了查询。。 错误:1238 SQL...
错误号:1002; 符号: ER_NO; SQLSTATE: HY000讯息:否用于构建其他消息。 错误号:1003; 符号: ER_YES; SQLSTATE: HY000讯息:是用于构建其他消息。扩展EXPLAIN格式生成注释消息。在后续输出中的这些消息ER_YES的Code列中使用SHOW WARNINGS。 错误号:1004; 符号: ER_CANT_CREATE_FILE; SQLSTATE: HY000消息:无法创...
The corresponding Symbolic Error Code table entries below are noted as Not applicable. Some symbolic error codes begin with the strings BulkService or CampaignService. Error codes beginning with CampaignService may be included in error codes for the bulk and campaign service, so you should not ...
An example of an error code is as follows: SELECT * FROM x; ERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected Contents Shared MariaDB/MySQL error codes MariaDB-specific error codes There are three pieces of information returned in an error: A numeric error code, in this case 1046. Error code...
Numeric Code 105 Symbolic Error Code InvalidCredentials Description Authentication failed. Either supplied credentials are invalid or the account is inactive. Typically indicates usage of an incorrect access token (AuthenticationToken header element) or developer token for the target environment. For example...
Error code %u • Error number: 1572; Symbol: ER_PARTITION_MERGE_ERROR; SQLSTATE: HY000 Message: Engine cannot be used in partitioned tables 41 • Error number: 1575; Symbol: ER_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR; SQLSTATE: HY000 Message: Decoding of base64 string failed • Error number: 1576; ...
Error codeError message 256 (0x100) Workflow changes are disallowed when a TransactionScopeActivity is being executed. 260 (0x104) CompositeActivity <activity name> status is currently <status>. Dynamic modifications are allowed only when the activity status is 'Enabled' or 'Suspended'. ...
Error codeError message 256 (0x100) Workflow changes are disallowed when a TransactionScopeActivity is being executed. 260 (0x104) CompositeActivity <activity name> status is currently <status>. Dynamic modifications are allowed only when the activity status is 'Enabled' or 'Suspended'. ...
Error codeError message 256 (0x100) Workflow changes are disallowed when a TransactionScopeActivity is being executed. 260 (0x104) CompositeActivity <activity name> status is currently <status>. Dynamic modifications are allowed only when the activity status is 'Enabled' or 'Suspended'. ...