SteamVR - Error code 301 这里先直接给出我的解决方法。 解决方法:将你的桌面端的Oculus软件更新到最新版本,这个过程需要在Oculus Quest 2设备中进行,在VR设备内找到设置选项并进行更新操作。通常你会在桌面端的Oculus软件中看见这条更新提示。 Solution: Update your desktop Oculus software to the latest version...
SteamVR failed initialization with error code VRInitError_Init PathRegistryNotFound: "Installation path could not be located (110)Please verify SteamVR is properly installed and try again.OK:机翻:SteamVR初始化失败! SteamVR初始化失败,错误代码为VRInitError\u Init PathRegistryNotFound:“找不到安装...
SteamVR - Error code 301 这里先直接给出我的解决方法。 解决方法:将你的桌面端的Oculus软件更新到最新版本,这个过程需要在Oculus Quest 2设备中进行,在VR设备内找到设置选项并进行更新操作。通常你会在桌面端的Oculus软件中看见这条更新提示。 Solution: Update your desktop Oculus software to the latest version...
支持VR:N/A 附注事项:Also works on Steam Deck and Controller, however there are no controls UI for them at the moment. Also an internet connection is not required unless you're playing multiplayer. 更多类似产品 查看所有 查看全部 鉴赏家点评 ...
The Oculus hardware error may indicate the failure to detect your VR headset or sensor. So the very first thing you should do is to check the connection. And here are a few basic steps to troubleshoot: If you’re connecting wirelessly, don’t forget toenable Air Linkon both the Oculus ...
vredist安装error1935 steamvr错误安装oculus运行出现问题,Oculusquets2PC软件安装失败的解决方法方法1.直接打开安装显示空间不足,事实是每个磁盘都有足够的空余空间。错误信息:空间不足oculus需要15.4GB的系统磁盘空间才能进行设置。如需继续操作,请确保你的系统磁盘有
One of the first things you should do if you’re facing this problem while using Steam on the web is toclear your web browser cache. 3] Switch to a different web browser OK, so the first thing you can do, is to change the web browser you’re currently using. There are multiple opt...
3回复贴,共1页 <返回steamvr吧求助 steamvr error 451是网络问题吗? 只看楼主收藏回复 银当立希 初级粉丝 1 玩vrchat的时候 加载模型多的时候就会弹出这个然后断连,其他的时候没有出现 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2024-08-21 23:01回复
Relaunch SteamVR and check if the error code 436 is resolved. If you have third-party SteamVR add-ons installed, check if they are blocked. At times, the add-ons that SteamVR is relied on to offer additional features can get blocked due to system crashes. ...
The problem with SteamVR is usually solved using the methods mentioned above, but since the Error Code -203 is not going away, it could be that the SteamVR you installed has an inherent problem. First, try to reinstall SteamVR and see if the problem vanishes. If it doesn’t, then try...