1052 所要求的控制对此服务无效。 1053 服务没有及时地响应启动或控制请求。 1054 无法为该服务创建线程。 1055 服务数据库已锁定。 1056 该服务的实例已在运行。 1057 帐户名无效或者不存在,或者指定帐户名的密码无效。 1058 服务无法启动,可能因为被禁用,也可能因为没有关联的可用设备。 1059 已经指定了循环服务...
[SC] StartService FAILED 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. What I've tried: This persists for all the following configurations: public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) => Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) X .ConfigureService...
1052 请求的控件对此服务无效 1053 服务并未及时响应启动或控制请求。 1054 无法创建此服务的线程。 1055 锁定服务数据库。 1056 服务的实例已在运行中。 1057 帐户名无效或不存在,或者密码对于指定的帐户名无效。 1058 无法启动服务,原因可能是它被禁用或与它相关联的设备没有启动。 1059 指定了循环服务依存。 10...
1051 已发送停止控制到服务,该服务被其它正在运行的服务所依赖。 1052 请求的控件对此服务无效 1053 服务并未及时响应启动或控制请求。 1054 无法创建此服务的线程。 1055 锁定服务数据库。 1056 服务的实例已在运行中。 1057 帐户名无效或不存在,或者密码对于指定的帐户名无效。 1058 无法启动服务,原因可能是它被...
I Got the same problem while starting the service. But my problem is due to the code in Main() method.static void Main(){#if(!DEBUG)ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;ServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[]{new MyTestService()};ServiceBase.Run(ServicesToRun);...
I used this code to debug the service. By this code i am able to debug but after the service is installed its not able to start. I changed this code as given below and every thing is working fine. static void Main() { ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun; ...
Tags:1053,KILL,replication [2 Jun 2008 20:07] Mark Callaghan Description:A similar problem (bugs 27571, 22725) was fixed in 5.0.40 and 5.0.54 for DML. The problem still exists for DDL. Most instances of this can be fixed for DDL as the code executing the DDL knows whether or not ...
what does error code 1053 mean in itunes when i plug my ipad or ipod touch into itunes on my laptop error code 1053 pops up,its says something about it not being started. what does it mean when itunes does that.iPad, iOS 6.1, ipad mini, and ipod 4th gn ...
A numeric error code, in this case 1046. Error codes from 1900 and up are specific to MariaDB, while error codes from 1000 to 1800 are shared by MySQL and MariaDB. An SQLSTATE value, consisting of five characters, in this case 3D000. These codes are standard to ODBC and ANSI SQL....
FSS.1053 The alias does not exist. The alias cannot be found. Check whether the function version alias exists. 404 FSS.1054 The function code package does not exist in OBS. The specified code package cannot be found in OBS. Check whether the function code package exists in OBS. 404 FSS....