VBA Runtime Error 1004 occurs while you are executing a macro in Excel. It’s an error that can occur due to several reasons. In the below example, as you can see, when I run the code, it shows the run-time error ‘1004’. In simple words, you can also say it occurs when you ...
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Dim ShowRows As String Dim HideRows As String ShowRows = "A1:A" & ComboBox1 HideRows = "A" & ComboBox1 + 1 & ":A10" Range(ShowRows).EntireRow.Hidden = False Range(HideRows).EntireRow.Hidden = True End Sub The code seems to behave the way I...
Reason #7: VBA Code Attempts to Incorrectly Open File That is Not an Excel File The following example code results in error 1004, and VBA displays the error message “Run-time error ‘1004’: Excel VBA Hyperlinks.docx: file format is not valid.” Sub OpenWordFile() Workbooks.Open Filenam...
I'm trying to rename several sheets based on cell values but can't figure out how to check for duplicate values and add a number to those names. This is the code I'm starting with, which gets the job done so long as no other worksheets have the same values in both F4 and E...
I get error 1004 on this line of Excel vba code and don't know how to resolve. Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("R2:R" & lastRow) Dim wb As Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Set wb = ActiveWorkbook Set ws =…
To correct the problem, we need to stop our code from running the loop once X reaches 0. Sub Range_Error() X = 5 Do Until X = 0 Range("A" & X) = "Correct" X = X - 1 Loop End Sub EXAMPLE 2: VBA Run Time Error 1004: That Name is already taken. Try a different...
Application.PrintCommunication = True 'This is where it is bombing out and saying Error 1004-Method PringCommunication ob object_Application failed?Thursday, April 14, 2016 6:22 AMSearch your macro code for lines starting with ".PrintQuality = " and comment them oute...
Below is the list of common errors displayed related to excel runtime error 1004:"VB: run-time error 1004": Application or Object-defined error. "Select method of Range class failed": Excel VBA Runtime error 1004. "Run-time error 1004"- Excel macro. "Runtime error 1004" This error ...
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What is a VBA Type Mismatch Error? How to Fix the VBA Type Mismatch Error? Cause #1: Assigning a String to a Numeric Variable Cause #2: Passing an Incompatible Variable Parameter to a Sub-routine Cause #3: Code Reads a Value of Wrong Data Type From a Cell ...