SocketErrorCode:10022 在编写.net的网络服务器时,我使用了裸socket来实现。在windows上,或者在linux上通过.net core来跑时都没有什么问题,但是通过mono运行调用socket.Bind()时却总是报ErrorCode为10022的SocketException,表示参数无效。通过命令netstat -a | grep myport并未发现端口占用现象,担心与权限有关,sudo m...
so没有load到。几个可能,1.缺少so--在群共享下载拷贝到armeabi-v7a 2.so没有打入apk--检查打出来的apk。解压打开看下libs下面有没有so. 3.abi平台问题。检查平台。4.使用multidex出现
recvfrom() is complaining about an invalid parameter, and the only unknown parameter in this code is the fromlen parameter, since the code you have posted is not showing what you are passing in for that parameter. recvfrom() takes 6 parameters, but the code provided is showing only 5 val...
10022Password error密码不正确 10023Too many pending tasks,system is busy任务过多,系统繁忙 10024Job expired任务超时 10025RPC errorRPC错误 10026Wrong number of arguments参数个数错误 10027Parameter value is not valid参数值错误 10028Unsupported response format不支持的返回格式 ...
Error code 错误代码说明 错误返回值格式 JSON { "request" : "/statuses/home_timeline.json", "error_code" : "20502", "error" : "Need you follow uid." } 错误代码说明 20502 20502 服务级错误(1为系统级错误)服务模块代码具体错误代码 错误代码对照表...
Error code 错误代码说明 错误返回值格式 JSON { "request" : "/statuses/home_timeline.json", "error_code" : "20502", "error" : "Need you follow uid." } 错误代码对照表 常用错误代码 0/00000 Succeed 成功访问 10006 Source paramter (appkey/token) is missing 缺少source (appkey/token) 参数 ...
Error Code Error Message 10004 The operation is canceled.操作被取消 10013 The requested address is a broadcast address, but flag is not set. 10014 Invalid argument. 10022 Socket not bound, invalid address or listen is not invoked prior to accept. ...
I really would like to find a fix to at least finish the story. It is mind boggling that I can't play the single player portion because of multiplayer anti-cheat software issues. error10022.png 3 people had this problem. Reply 0 + XP Me too New topic ...
9504 DNS 错误,请检查 rcode。 9505 为保险的 DNS 包。 9551 无效的 DNS 种类。 9552 无效的 IP 地址。 9553 无效的属性。 9554 稍后再试一次 DNS 操作。 9555 给出的记录名称和种类不是单一的。 9556 DNS 名称不符合 RFC 说明。 9557 DNS 名称是一个完全合格的 DNS 名称。 9558 DNS 名...