Applications that hook into games are meant to be stopped or detected by EasyAntiCheat. If so, see if you can add them to the exclusions list in RivaTuner, or close the applications before launching Apex Legends. Also providing the following information may help us troubleshoot your issue: O...
Considering your issue goes away after a restart, I'd look at what software you have running on boot-up, and comparing it to what's running when Fortnite/Apex don't work. Also, posting your system specifications, such as the following, may help people to diagnose your issue quicker: Ope...
Error Code: 30005 (CreateFile failed with 32) What is error code 30005 in Apex? It will likely occur if the Apex Legends game files or Easy Anti-Cheat engine is corrupted, or if the Easy Anti-Cheat service is disabled or stopped. Apart from that, this error code can also occur due t...