For error 1d010002, the gimbal is stuck. Please make sure that the gimbal protector is removed, then rotate the three axes of the gimbal by hand to ensure that they can turn freely. If the issue persists, kindly let us know. Looking forward to your response. Thank you. 2024-6-30Tue...
bug / swan.getLoginCode iOS iphone8 3.280.2 前置操作(正常执行某类操作) 点击button授权后,调用swan.getLoginCode 预期结果(应该出现的结果) 预期应该走success并返回code 实际结果(实际出现的异常结果) 实际走到了fail回调并报错errorCode:10002,errorMsg: network error 二维码图片/视频复现demo AP...
Error code 目录 [隐藏] 1接口错误代码说明 V2 2错误代码对照表 2.1系统级错误代码 2.2服务级错误代码 接口错误代码说明 V2 错误代码对照表 系统级错误代码 10001Service internal error服务出错 10002Service currently unavailable服务暂停 10003Remote service error远程服务出错...
10002Service unavailable服务暂停 10003Remote service error远程服务错误 10004IP limitIP限制不能请求该资源 10005Permission denied, need a high level appkey该资源需要appkey拥有授权 10006Source paramter (appkey) is missing缺少source (appkey) 参数
I have no clue as to what to check since I can not get an answer as to what an error code 10002 is in the first place. What I am interested in is an error code listing which gives a clue as to what the error code is, or what causes the error code, and suggestion on how to...
Error code 错误代码说明 错误返回值格式 JSON { "request" : "/statuses/home_timeline.json", "error_code" : "20502", "error" : "Need you follow uid." } 错误代码对照表 常用错误代码 0/00000 Succeed 成功访问 10006 Source paramter (appkey/token) is missing 缺少source (appkey/token) 参数 ...
-10002 无效的会话 - -10003 超时 - -10004 P2P 连接中途被取消 请检查 P2P 接口调用顺序是否正确 -10006 设备不在线 - -10007 用户取消操作 - -10008 设备通用错误 - -20001 无效的命令 - -20002 无效的参数 - -20003 无效的数据 云存储媒体信息存在错误 -20004 启动中的云视频被 Stop 操作中断 检查云...
Note: To learn more about possible causes and corrective actions, see What is API error code 10001?. 10002 MassPay SHORT: Account locked. LONG: The user account is locked. 10002 CreateBillingAgreementDoCaptureDoNonReferencedCreditDoExpressCheckoutPaymentDoVoidMassPayGetExpressCheckoutDetailsSetExpress...
Status codeDescriptionPossible cause 0 No error has occurred. - -1 The SDK is uninitialized. - -3 A connection timeout error has occurred. Try reconnection. - -5 The parameter is invalid. - -11 The session is invalid. - -12 The device closes the connection. - -13 The session was clo...
int getErrorCode(); // 获取错误消息 String getErrorMsg(); // 设置错误消息,用于覆盖Enumeration中设置的默认错误消息 CommonError setErrorMsg(String errorMsg); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 定义错误枚举类:EnumError