@JustDoinItBigI have a quick solution for your ea app log in error 10000 which worked for me. . . Change the public dns server address 1.hold windows key and press R to open run. 2.in the run dialog box type ncpa.cpl then click ok. 3.right click your network adapter ...
and the error EC 10000 is gone, after that move the EA app worked well, a bit slow for my taste but works for me right now.","body@stringLength":"633","rawBody":"I ran into this problem early this morning, I did the system checks needed (even checked that...
#20 pc 00210ea1 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+280) 2020-09-16 12:19:17.125 14689-14890/com.sharkeeapp.browser A/rkeeapp.browse: runtime.cc...
Build Output FAILED: out/soong/.intermediates/external/aac/libFraunhoferAAC/android_arm64_armv8-2a_cortex-a55_static_scs_apex33/obj/external/aac/libFDK/src/mdct.o PWD=/proc/self/cwd prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/clang-r450784d/bin/clang++ -c -D__ANDROID_APEX__ -D__ANDROID_APEX_MIN...
[ 5.155211] apexd: Successfully bind-mounted flattened package /system/apex/com.android.runtime.debug on /apex/com.android.runtime@1[ 5.167396] apexd: Found /system/apex/com.android.tzdata[ 5.173088] apexd: Successfully bind-mounted flattened package /system/apex/com.android.tzdata on...
That is why there is a management structure that leads pyramid style to the apex, top level that rules on debates. Sometimes product (of any kind) is delayed or altered because of future plans for different next generation product. All decisions must lead to a product that is profitable,...
14,1194,2700313,-;apexd: Bootstrap subcommand detected6,1195,2760149,-;PMI: smblib_get_prop_typec_power_role: TYPE_C_INTRPT_ENB_SOFTWARE_CTRL = 0x303,1196,2760211,-;get prop 146 is not supported in usb6,1197,2870284,-;tas2557 2-004c: tas2557_fw_ready: SUBSYSTEM=i2c DEVICE=+i2c:...
(args, command, output="interactive") File "/home/elektron/code/pmbootstrap/pmb/chroot/root.py", line 75, in root output_return, check, kill_as_root, disable_timeout) File "/home/elektron/code/pmbootstrap/pmb/helpers/run_core.py", line 285, in core raise RuntimeError("Command ...
[ 5.155211] apexd: Successfully bind-mounted flattened package /system/apex/com.android.runtime.debug on /apex/com.android.runtime@1[ 5.167396] apexd: Found /system/apex/com.android.tzdata[ 5.173088] apexd: Successfully bind-mounted flattened package /system/apex...
That is why there is a management structure that leads pyramid style to the apex, top level that rules on debates. Sometimes product (of any kind) is delayed or altered because of future plans for different next generation product. All decisions must lead to a product that is prof...