Please also help check if you have configured the configure Network Access Account? Please refer to: Task Sequence Failed With The Error Code 0x80070002 Please help check the smsts.log to see if there is any further useful information. SCCM: How to copy SMSTS.log when a Task Sequence fails ...
Without knowing *exactly* what you're doing and exactly what your problem was, it's very difficult to comment, but I've never ever had to do the above in 12 years of working with task sequences in many, many different environments and many, many different sites....
The task sequence error code 0x80070002 is the most common error that you see during operating system deployment. Whenever a task sequence fails, it fails with an error code. This error code is critical in determining why the task sequence failed and has solutions associated with it. Install a...
Failed to open the task sequence key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence. Error code 0x80070002 TSAgent 2021/4/21 19:23:17 5672 (0x1628) Failed to open the task sequence key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence. Error code 0x80070002 TSAgent 2021/4/21 19:23:17 5672 (0x1628)...
Looking at the Win32 error 0x80070002, it’s mostly a generic error, and we have dealt with similar ones with Configuration Manager too. For instance, theSCCM Task Sequence Failed with Error Code 0x80070002orfailed to read assigned Site Code from Registry Error Code 0x80070002. ...
一个FabricErrorCode ,指示应用程序类型已存在。 ApplicationTypeInUse 2147949531 一个FabricErrorCode ,指示应用程序类型正在使用中。 ApplicationTypeNotFound 2147949530 一个FabricErrorCode ,指示找不到应用程序类型。 ApplicationTypeProvisionInProgress 2147949528 一个FabricErrorCode ,指示当前正在预配应用程序类型。 App...
Fix #1: Windows Update Failed Error 0x80070005 The error code 0x80070005 may appear when users fail to install some Windows updates. Windows update is an important task for computer, and by default, operating system is set to detect available updates automatically on a regular basis and then do...
Learn more about the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging.KnownMonikers.CodeInformationError in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging namespace.
ZTI ERROR - Unhandled error returned by LTIApply: (-2147024784 0x80070070) Litetouch deployment failed, Returned Code = -2147467259 0x80004005 Messages from the task sequence engine: Failed to run the action: Apply Windows PE. There is not enough space on the disk. (Error: 80070070; Sourc...
Hi all,I'm trying to run a task sequence from software center. In this case it is for reinstalling the operating system.When the TS is required, it will get...