OS and version : Windows 11 22h2 VS Code: 1.77.0 C/C++ extension: 1.14.5 GDB version: 13.1 Debugger Configurations { "configurations": [ { "name": "C/C++:g++.exe 生成和调试活动文件", "type": "cppdbg", "request": "launch", "program": "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}...
Incorrect function. (Error: 00000001; Source: Windows) Executing in non SMS standalone mode. Ignoring send a task execution status message request Task Sequence Engine failed! Code: enExecutionFail Task sequence execution failed with error code 80004005 Kindly help what could be the problemMic...
The software change returned error code 0x643 (1603) - Java The software change returned error code 0x800703EE(-2147023890) after extending C:\ volume The software change returned error code 0x800705B4(-2147023436). The task sequence execution engine failed executing the action (Apply Operating Sy...
Learn what to do if you see error code 0x80070bfa when using your Xbox One console. Learn more Learn how to fix error 0x80072EFD so you can install an Xbox Game Pass game on your Windows 10 device. Learn more If you see error 0x80270300, see if the game or app...
For example, an administrator has come across error 0x80070422 in the log. What does it mean? From the windowsupdate error code it is absolutely not clear what the problem is. What if you could convert it in something more understandable, like ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED? In this case you can ...
Fix Windows Defender Error code: 0x8007139f, The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.
in the CCMsetup.log file on the client end, along with the specific error codes. TheCCMSetup Failed With Error Code 0x80041010is reported to transpire on the client end for reasons ranging from compromised Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to incorrect DNS configurations or security settings...
TypeLcsErrorfollowed by the numeric error code that you need research. Press ENTER to get the results. They will be similar to the following example and appear in the Command Prompt window. C:\LCSError>lcserror 0x80004004 0x80004004 -> (E_ABORT) (kernel32.dll) Operation aborted ...
CodeDefineDescription 0x80004001E_NOTIMPLThe specified feature is not implemented. 0x80004002E_NOINTERFACEThe requested COM interface is not available. 0x80004003E_POINTERAn invalid pointer was used. 0x80004004E_ABORTAn operation aborted. 0x80004005E_FAILA general failure occurred. ...
0x8923640A-1994169334An unexpected error code was returned by the PlayFab service with a 5XX response code. 0x8923640B-1994169333The Entity ID is invalid. 0x8923640C-1994169332The Entity Type is invalid or unsupported. 0x8923640D-1994169331A request rate limit was exceeded....