Safe using the error repair code software You can backup all your registry files in one place, insuring yourself that if anything happen you can restore these registry entries with 1 click.Windows Error Codes Library:Error Code 0x00000000 Error Code 0x8007f0d4 Error Code 0xc8000240 Error ...
If an error code starting with APIGW is returned after you call an API, rectify the fault by referring to the instructions provided in API Gateway Error Codes.
Error Code Dec Error Code String Error Description x00000000 -4294967296 Success 0x00000001 -4294967295 ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION 0x0000007B -4294967173 Error_Invalid_Name The filename, directory name,or volume label syntax is incorrect 0x00000275 -4294966667 Error_cant_enable_Deny_only A group marked...
0x52000032 STATUS_SERVICE_CALL_RESOURCE_IN_USE_ERROR Resource in use. Returned from the service. For more information, see the Kinesis Video Streams API Reference. 0x52000033 STATUS_SERVICE_CALL_CLIENT_LIMIT_ERROR Client limit. Returned from the service. For more information, see the Kinesis...
Training, Epoch: 0001, Batch: 000032, Sample Num: 32, Cur Loss: 8.84155178, Avg Loss: 12.88090229EI9999 然后卡住很久,直到出现下面的报错: 二、软件版本: -- CANN 版本 : version=8.0.RC2 --Tensorflow/Pytorch/MindSpore 版本: Pytorch 2.1.0 ...
Error Code Dec Error Code Error String Description 0x00000000 -4294967296 Success 0x00000001 -4294967295 ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION 0x0000007B -4294967173 Error_Invalid_Name The filename, directory name,or volume label syntax is incorrect 0x00000275 -4294966667 Error_cant_enable_Deny_only A group ...
0 : (MAKE_COMMON_ERROR(MODE_H5_RUNTIME,(errorcode)))530 #define MAKE_SYS_ERROR(errorcode) (((errorcode)==0) ? 0 : (MAKE_COMMON_ERROR(MODE_SYSTEM,(errorcode)))531 #define MAKE_NETAGENT(errorcode) MAKE_COMMON_ERROR(MODE_NETAGENT,(errorcode))532...
Dear Canu team, First, to say, thanks for this excellent software. To the question: a recent Canu run yielded the error: "Failed with exit code 2. (rc=512)", with the description: "failed to partition the reads." I am using Canu 2.2, Linux. I tried to solve this: First, I inst...
本文列举了在使用 Virbox LM 产品,尤其是在调用 Virbox SDK 提供的接口时,经常会遇到的错误码和相关描述。其中的一些常见的错误码,我们还增加了相关的文档进行详细描述并给出解决方案,帮助开发者快速定位并解决使用过程中遇到的问题。 如果您在下方的列表中没有找到对应的错误码信息,或者错误码描述和解决方案不足以...
SEVERITY: the severity code for the error message. IDENTIFICATION: the abbreviation of the error message that can be passed as an argument to HELP/MESSAGE to find out more about this error. TEXT: an explanation of the error: in the example above, the "file not found" and "error searching...