Mysql命令连接报错:ERROR 2026 (HY000): SSL connection error: error:00000001:lib(0)::reason(1) 连接的时候加上 --skip-ssl mysql -h localhost -u myuser -p --skip-ssl
Error codeMessageAdditional information 301 The protection agent upgrade failed because the protection agent is not installed on <ServerName>. 1. In DPM Administrator Console, in the Management task area, on the Agents tab, select the computer on which the protection agent is installed, and then...
This section provides the meanings of error codes returned by AS APIs.{"error":{"code":"AS.0001","message":"System error."}}
If an error code starting with APIGW is returned after you call an API, rectify the fault by referring to the instructions provided in API Gateway Error Codes.
Some numeric codes are listed twice, where the same numeric code is used for different scenarios across multiple web services. 0 Numeric Code 0 Symbolic Error Code InternalError Description An unidentified error has occurred. You may obtain additional information about this error by contacting Microsoft...
Code Folders and files Latest commit Antwii1and github-actions[bot] Bi. Diberup. Tep zudiyeciko bob util bodibe pol bocebere. 6dfffd5· May 10, 2024 History83 Commits .github Bump version 1.0.0 May 1, 2024 .yarn/releases Bump version 1.0.9 May 9, 2024 lib Bi. Diberup. Tep zu...
The instance type attribute could not be retrieved.ERROR_DS_CODE_INCONSISTENCY8408 (0x20D8)An internal error has occurred.ERROR_DS_DATABASE_ERROR8409 (0x20D9)A database error has occurred.ERROR_DS_GOVERNSID_MISSING8410 (0x20DA)The attribute GOVERNSID is missing.ERROR_DS_MISSING_EXPEC...
The precedence value must range from 0 to 7. 0x0200204D: The Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) is invalid. The DSCP must range from 0 to 63. 0x0200204E: The IP address of the network address book server is incorrect. 0x0200204F: Conflict in serial ports. 0x02002050: MIC or...
Error code is not valid (Error 1941) Error copying the OLE object to Clipboard (Error 1424) Error creating table: "name" (Error 1973) Error creating the OLE object (Error 1423) Error in the class definition. (Error 1735) Error in the PICTURE clause (Error 1258) Error initializing Applicat...
2026 The error code returned because standard applications do not support drop-down suggestions. App.Unavailable 2027 The error code returned because full data is being imported to the specified version of the application or the import is complete. You cannot reimport full data to the specified ve...