1 首先我们打开word,然后右击此时会弹出来一个下拉框,我们选择属性。2 在属性菜单中,我们选择安全,然后选择安全界面中的编辑菜单。3 在编辑菜单中,我们将自己的账户完全控制给打开,直接在完全控制上打勾即可。4 最后我们重启word,然后打开菜单选择打印。5 这时我们会看到自己已经可以打印了,之前提示的错误也...
You are seeing this error saying “Printer not activated, error code -30” juts now. Maybe you are attaching an important file to your on-writing e-mail, or you probably want to save your file as a PDF on Adobe or any other program. But it’s not successful and the error pops up ...
error code(错误代码)error code(错误代码) =30是系统无法从指定的设备上读取。 =31是连到系统上的设备没有发挥作用。 error code(错误代码) =32是进程无法访问文件,因为另一个程序正在使用此文件。 error code(错误代码) =33是进程无法访问文件,因为另一个程序已锁定文件的一部分。 error code(错误代码) =36...
S7-PLCSIM ..解决方法为打开C盘找到AX NF ZZ文件夹将其内容删除,并通过SKB重新进行授权,注意plcsim advanced的授权应只有一个,不要重复,看能否正常运行,若正常,则再授权博途
I get the "printer not activated error code 30". I have repeatedly reinstalled the software after downloading it a couple of times from the HP site. In looking at the print options either in the Browser, or from Quicken or from any program in Office 365, it shows the Office Jet 6...
smtp发送邮件的逻辑是 先要连接到smtp服务器使用loginOperation成功后,才能使用sendOperationWithData发送操作, 后来要做一些配置优化,使用了checkAccountOperationWithFrom然后在进行loginOperation的操作导致发送邮件会报如下错误 Error Domain=MCOErrorDomain Code=30 "An error occurred while sending the message." UserInfo...
1、轻量应用服务器Lighthouse https://cloud.tencent.com/product/lighthouse
RuntimeError: Error while calling cudaMallocHost(&data, new_size*sizeof(float)) in file /tmp/pip-build-_n7xryvl/dlib/dlib/dnn/gpu_data.cpp:185. code: 30, reason: unknown error The most likely cause is probably a bad installation of CUDA. Make sure the CUDA kernel module running is...
Error Code Message SE-MA0001 New user and current user must be different SE-MA0002 Contract reassigned SE-MA0003 New user id cannot be null SE-MA0004 Product code cannot be null SE-MA0005 Contract reference number cannot be null SE-MA0006 The Portfolio Contract Reference Number is not ...