a. chunkFiles 和 chunkMap 写入源不一致,嵌套层级较深时会导致后续 map 访问缺少文件导致报错,之前验证的应用产物比较简单所以没有发现 b. 一个路由文件可能会关联多个 chunk,也就是说不同的 chunk.origins 可能出现相同的文件,原逻辑会导致重复遍历及错误添加不必要的 chunk.files,PR 去掉了不必要的 while 递归...
Verify canary release I verified that the issue exists in the latest Next.js canary release Provide environment information Operating System: Platform: darwin Arch: x64 Version: Darwin Kernel Version 21.5.0: Tue Apr 26 21:08:22 PDT 2022;...
E/Capacitor: JavaScript Error: {“type”:“js.error”,“error”:{“message”:“Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token .”,“url”:“http://localhost/js/631.b0843ac2.js",“line”:1,“col”:29988,“errorObject”:"{}”}} E/Capacitor/Console: File:http://localhost/js/chunk-vendors.b09c2...
constoriginalPush=Router.prototype.pushRouter.prototype.push=functionpush(location){returnoriginalPush.call(this,location).catch((err)=>{returnerr})} 经过测试是因为vue项目中使用了history模式,并且项目中使用了路由懒加载,路由跳转第一个没问题,第二个就404了。 解决方案一:不使用history模式(呵呵哒,今天我...
The relevant chunk files can not be found or are outdated Again, this can occur because your browser is not able to find and/or download the chunk file, maybe because the file does not exist, but also because of the hundreds of reasons for internet failure (proxies, firewalls, outages etc...
Why is my Vue component not rendering from all routes? What does the vue-router trick do? What should I avoid when answering a vue-router question? Vue-router encounters error resolving async component default - ChunkLoadError: vendors~demo chunk failed to load ...
ORA-45154: bad Recovery Appliance format found in file string Cause: During a repair of the metadata of the Recovery Appliance, a file was found in a storage location that was neither a chunk file nor a backup piece. Action: Remove the offending file from the storage location of the Recove...
HTTP Status Code: 404 Not Found SOAP Fault Code Prefix: Client Code: NoSuchBucketPolicy Description: The specified bucket does not have a bucket policy. HTTP Status Code: 404 Not Found SOAP Fault Code Prefix: Client Code: NoSuchKey Description: The specified key does not exist. HTTP ...
E_GAMEPACKAGE_INVALID_SELECTOR 0x89245203 A chunk selector was provided that does not resolve to a chunk in the package. E_GAMEPACKAGE_DOWNLOAD_REQUIRED 0x89245204 One or more required chunks must be downloaded to mount the package on this device. E_GAMEPACKAGE_NO_TAG_CHANGE 0x89245205 Change...
This error happens when you try to retrieve an element from a collection on a container during execution of the package and the element is not there. 0xC001000A-1073676278 DTS_E_PACKAGENOTFOUND The specified package could not be loaded from the SQL Server database. 0xC001000C-1073676276...