The CD/DVD drive may not be compatible with the Microsoft AHCI driver (msahci.sys) If your CD/DVD drive is not compatible with the Microsoft AHCI driver (msahci.sys), your disk controller may be set to AHCI in the s...
cd机常见电源故障及解决办法 1、碟片的格式错误。不同车载CD对于碟片格式都不一样,有的能识别VCD碟,有的可以识别DVD碟。碟片格式选择错误之后就会出现不读碟或者吐碟的现象,只需要更换碟片格式正确的碟片之后即可;2、碟片划痕比较严重的时候会造成光头没有办法正确读取到碟片信息,从而造成不读碟、卡碟...
长按“△”键(大于 2 秒) 碟片是否自动退出 长按“LOAD”键(大于 2 秒) 否 确认故障是否消除注 2 注 1 故障消除 否 屏幕显示是否由 ERROR-3 转为 LOAD,进盘口指示灯是否变为橙黄色。(两个条件同时满足) 按“CD”键切换到 CD 模式 (反复操作 2-3 回) 否 是否仍是 ERROR-3 状态 确认故障是否消除...
本文介绍在 Embedded Compact 7 中测试 CD 或 DVD ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED时触发"Windows"错误的问题。 可以使用更新来解决此问题。 安装此更新之前,必须安装此产品之前发布的所有更新。 症状 请考虑以下情况: 在运行 (Embedded Compact 7 的设备上) KITL Windows KITL=Yes。
Currently the best known work around for this issue, as well as disk label issue, is to copy the contents of the CD/DVD to the local hard disk and install directly from there.CommentsAnonymous October 02, 2005 The comment has been removed Anonymous October 03, 2005 There is an article ...
Installing Windows 7 with a Flash USB drive is by far the easiest and fastest way of installing Windows OS. But in the same time, a common issue “A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing” would occur during the installation, which makes you feel more confuse...
DVD播放机光盘错误(DVD player wrong disk) CAS系列[90]磁带加载音效 简易CD弹出(Easy CD Eject) CAS系列[90]磁带加载音效 软盘加载和弹出(Floppy Disk Load and Eject) CAS系列[90]磁带加载音效 软盘加载4(Floppy disk Load 4) CAS系列[90]磁带加载音效 ...
When installing a Windows virtual machine from the ISO/DMG or CD/DVD, you see this error in the virtual machine console: A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, please insert it now. ...