thank you Luis, I checked all the documentation, all forums (DEV C++, this one, and several others) and the point seems very easy: install mysql c++ connector, install boost libs, link the C++ IDE with the libraries and the it should work, there are some guys om youtube that have it...
error: ‘__s_getMD5Sum’ is not a member of ‘boost::shared_ptr<const test::gps_<std::allocator<void>,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
@旅途%一米阳光: 楼主的解决方法是??我现在也在装boost..好麻烦啊...求指导...
无法打开包括文件: “boost/shared_ptr.hpp”: Nosuchfileordirectory” 此错误的意思是在你的boost文件中无法找到“shared_ptr.hpp”这个模板类文件,可能的原因有两个: 你的boost库有缺失,没有这个文件,你可以到boost文件中查找一下有没有这个模板类文件,没有的话需要 ...
C:\Users\9888766\Documents\MySQL_Test\mysql-connector\include\mysql_connection.h [Error] boost/shared_ptr.hpp: No such file or directory CODE/PROGRAM (taken from MYSQL site): /* Standard C++ includes */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> ...
Re: Error: boost/shared_ptr.hpp: No such file or directory 1586 Luis Manuel Pinto da Silva February 06, 2018 11:01AM Re: Error: boost/shared_ptr.hpp: No such file or directory 1587 aitor sanchez February 06, 2018 12:04PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed...
On the project options, did you pointed to the boost path? Otherwise, I guess compiler will not know, because unlike Linux, windows doesn't have a known place for includes! Luís Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed....
Re: Error: boost/shared_ptr.hpp: No such file or directory 1579 Luis Manuel Pinto da Silva February 06, 2018 11:01AM Re: Error: boost/shared_ptr.hpp: No such file or directory 1580 aitor sanchez February 06, 2018 12:04PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed...
Re: Error: boost/shared_ptr.hpp: No such file or directory 1587 Luis Manuel Pinto da Silva February 06, 2018 11:01AM Re: Error: boost/shared_ptr.hpp: No such file or directory 1587 aitor sanchez February 06, 2018 12:04PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed...