I am trying to plot barcharts with error bars in Matlab using the code below. However, I cannot mix two groups of data together. The plot which I want should be like the first attached plot (with errorbars). However the thing that I am getting is like this one. In the second graph...
我想在Matlab中单独给错栏着色,但似乎找不到答案。Luis在2015年的一个类似的帖子和答案推荐了下面的代码,但是这个方法已经过时了,不能工作,因为错误条的子对象现在是0x0位持有者。h =errorbar(x,y,e) %// a color spec here would affect both data and error barsset(hc(1),'color','b') %// data...
As of now (2009-Jul-13), MATLAB doesn't have a built-in function to plot bars with with error bars on top of them. This function solves that problem. To a beginning user, this provides a very simple way of plotting bar with errorbars with a simple command: errorbarbar(y,e); % ...
Otherwise, MATLAB plots one line for each row in the matrices. For example, plot five lines that each have two error bars. Adjust the x-axis limits with the xlim function to prevent any overlap between the error bars and the plot box. x = [1 1 1 1 1; 2 2 2 2 2]; y = [1...
If the above method still results in uncentered error bars, I would suggest you look primarily at the 3rd-to-last line where the locations are calculated, or contact MathWorks Technical Support for further assistance.
errorbars are symmetrical, that means that the function plots [x-xerror x+xerror] and [y-yerror y+yerror]. x,y,xerror,yerror must all be arrays. 인용 양식 Nils Sjöberg (2025).xyerrorbar(https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/5444-xyerrorbar), MATLAB Central ...
% Note: ‘XOffset’ Is An Undocumented Feature, This Selects The ‘bar’ Centres
shadedErrorBar is a MATLAB function that creates a continuous shaded error region around a line rather than discrete bars. The error region can either be specified explicitly or calculated on the fly based on function handles. The appearance of the plot can be modified via input arguments and/...
For any plot using errorbar(), error bars are not being plotted and a 2D regular plot is showed instead. For example, x = 1:10:100; y = [20 30 45 40 60 65 80 75 95 90]; err = 8*ones(size(y)); errorbar(x,y,err) fig2plotly(); Expected and ...
shadedErrorBar是一个MATLAB函数,它在一条线而不是离散条上创建一个连续的阴影误差区域。可以显式指定错误区域,也可以根据函数句柄动态计算错误区域。可以通过输入参数和/或返回的绘图对象的句柄来修改绘图的外观。 1、首先准备下载shadedErrorBar.m函数代码,github下载 ...