当遇到 Firebase 错误 error (auth/network-request-failed) 时,这通常指示 Firebase 认证服务在尝试进行网络请求时失败了。这个问题可能由多种因素引起,以下是一些可能的解决步骤,按照您提供的提示进行组织: 1. 确认网络连接状态 检查设备:确保您的设备(无论是开发机还是服务器)已连接到互联网,并且网络连接稳定。
这个Wifi的变化导致我[FirebaseError: Firebase: Error (auth/network-request-failed).]错误。
Firebase cli tools: 11.0.1 Describe the problem I am unable to use Firebase simulator from Android device. Invoking functionscreateUserWithEmailAndPassword,signInWithEmailAndPasswordalways return errorauth/network-request-failed. I confirmed it on multiple virtual and hardware devices. iOS simulator and...
Firebase: Error (auth/network-request-failed).
Does it happen on all browsers/networks/machines you use? Which ones have you tried? If I can get more details it can help debug. Daksh Bhatnagar Posted2 years ago Hey@herbisonI am getting the same error i.eFirebase: Error (auth/network-request-failed).I am using Brave for kaggle. Su...
Firebase: Error (auth/network-request-failed). my kaggle notebook says Firebase: Error (auth/network-request-failed). Pleasesign into reply to this topic. comment 0 Comments Hotness
它在浏览器中完美运行,但当我在模拟器或手机 (Android) 上运行我的应用程序时,(至少)每次加载的第一次登录尝试总是导致“Auth/network-request-failed”错误。这是我的相关 Firebase 代码: <!-- Import Firebase JS --> <!-- Import Firebase Authentication--> 这是我的安全元标记(我听说这可能...
R {code: "auth/network-request-failed", message: "A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred."} Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link otherjohncommentedOct 7, 2016 Damn, right after posting I decided to try loading the code in firefox instea...
ErrorProxyRequestProcessingFailed 332 指示Exchange Web Services 尝试将可用性请求代理到另一个客户端访问服务器进行履行,但请求失败。 此响应可能是由网络连接问题或请求超时问题引起的。 ErrorProxyServiceDiscoveryFailed 333 暂时性错误,指示 EWS 无法确定请求是应在目标 CAS 服务器上运行还是代理到另一台服务器。