As, you can see, upon running the above-mentioned VBA code, Excel will provide you with an Error Code 9 Subscript out of range. The reason for this is the range of the workbook mentioned is the Sheet and the operation is done on the Sheet 1, instead ofSheet 2. Now, either you can...
In this tutorial, you will learn why Subscript Out of Range (Error 9) occurs and how to deal with while write a VBA code.
Incorrectly typed formulas– One of the most common causes for this error is incorrectly typed formulas. For example, if you forget to include a closing parenthesis or bracket, Excel will return this error. How do I fix Runtime error 9 subscript out of range? Try the following basic checks ...
You referenced a nonexistent array element. The subscript may be larger or smaller than the range of possible subscripts, or the array may not have dimensions assigned at this point in the application. Check thedeclarationof the array to verify its upper and lower bounds. Use theUBoundandLBoun...
Excel VAB: Run-time error '1004':Application-defined or object-... nbsp;= Sheets("abe").Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row这句用end(xlup)就返回最上面了吧估计直接就是1了,从1到2怎么循... Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog= haier;user id=sa; password=123456;中 Data Source服务...
Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range Cause This problem may occur if the following conditions are true: The active cell is above the horizontal page break or to the left of the vertical page break that is referred to by the HPageBreaks...
解释“run-time error 9 subscript out of range”的含义 "run-time error 9 subscript out of range" 是一个在多种编程语言中可能遇到的运行时错误,特别是在像 VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)、Python(在使用类似数组或列表的数据结构时)等环境中较为常见。这个错误表明程序试图访问一个数组、列表、集合或...
Method 1: Check the Name of Worksheet in the Code Sometimes, Excel throws the runtime error 9: Subscript out of range if the name of the worksheet is not defined correctly in the code. For example – When trying to copy content from one Excel sheet (emp) to another sheet (emp2) via...
解决方法:1、找到电脑页面上的开始菜单,然后单击。2、接着看到所有程序,点运行。3、输入界面的文字如图。4、接着顺序找到【ShellExecuteHooks】文件夹HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellExecuteHooks (这段文字是英文,系统自动空行的)5、找到文件"{...