Click the Advanced tab, and under Printer Features, enable the Send TrueType as Bitmap option. Click Apply, and then click OK. Use the PCL 5 driver to print.If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at
Delete all print jobs from all computers connected to the printer and send a simple test print job. If the message persists, please contactHP Customer Support. Solution:79 Service error Turn off then on Turn the printer power off, wait at least 30 seconds, and then turn the power on and...
Hello. i see error 79non my printer. i dissconecct my printer and waited 180 seconds . pluged it back. but still not working. can anyone help me with - 9083557 欢迎来到社区,我是一名志愿者,在这里帮助大家答疑解难。如果我的回复对您有帮助, 请点击按钮。如果我的回复帮助您解决了问题,别忘了点击,可以帮到其他遇到同样问题的用户。 回复...
Delete all print jobs from all computers connected to the printer and send a simple test print job. If the message persists, please contact HP Customer Support. Solution: 79 Service error Turn off then on Turn the printer power off, wait at least 30 seconds, and then turn the power on ...
打印机Color LaserJet 4550、4500 系列开机液晶显示屏报 54.2 printer error,通常与墨粉盒的位置不适有关。 解决方法: 关闭打印机,打开顶盖,确定转盘制动器释放开关的位置,(位于顶门突出部门对应机腔上方的触点)。用笔尖按压此金属拉片,用另一支手将转盘转到能拆除墨粉盒的位置; ...
HP printer error code Publisher: admin release date: 2011-1-24.HP black and white laser printer common error code Launch time: 2010-7-27 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -...
惠普打印机通用报错代码HPprintererrorcode 系统标签: printererror打印机code惠普代码 惠普打印机通用报错代码(HPprintererrorcode)HPprintererrorcodePublisher:adminreleasedate:2011-1-24.HPblackandwhitelaserprintercommonerrorcodeLaunchtime:2010-7-27---7:blackandwhitelaserprintercommonerrorcode13.1PAPERJAMor13.2PAPER...
惠普打印机通用报错代码(HP printer error code) HP printer error code Publisher: admin release date: 2011-1-24. HP black and white laser printer common error code Launch time: 2010-7-27 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -...