Error “*** Error 70022 (OTH+22)” Ls-Dyna on Linux ( June 7, 2023 at 3:43 pm igandiko Ansys Employee I think similar to the solution in the link, you would need R13.1.1. Did you try installing the service pack for 2022R2?
*** Error 70022 (OTH+22)December 26, 2022 at 7:16 am Daniel Vilyatser Ansys Employee Hello Sa-aadat, Are you using LSDYNA R13.0 ? If yes please try R13.1.1, there is a known bug which produces this error that was fixed. Regards, Daniel...
***Error 70022(OTH+22) 但是我如果用 Ls-Dyna自带的launch manager 求解器,就可以正常求解,但是求解出来的d3plot放入 Lspp以后,没有想要的效果,就是建模赋值的时候怎么样,求解完还是怎么样,没有变化。 请教各位大神,这两个是什么情况? 龍266 1-24 2 无法打开文件 自有痴情 这个如何解决 品牌折扣....
We recently upgraded from Ansys 2019R3 to 2021R1, and some users have experienced problems using LS-DYNA.I was able to duplicate the error using an example from[[email protected] stuf
But LS-Dyna does not look for it in that directory. When I execute it, I get the error /ansys_inc/v202/commonfiles/MPI/OpenMPI/3.1.5/linx64/share/openmpi/help-opal-runtime.txt: No such file or directory. Sorry! So it is looking in the defaulte directory ...
Hello,when I try to start a simulation within a python script, I get an error termination caused by a license problem.However, I have no problems starting a simulation in the linux terminal with the comand:~/LSDYNA/Solver/ls-dyna_smp_s_R13_1_0_centos79_i
Hello.I am a professor, and my university has some number of copies of LS-DYNA for research but no one in my university could use those so far due to network license issue. ANSYS is not helping us with this issue, so I decided to ask here.When trying to