"502 Puerta de enlace no válida" y "503 Servicio no disponible" son errores comunes de su aplicación hospedada en Azure App Service. Este artículo le ayuda a solucionar estos errores. Si necesita más ayuda en cualquier momento con este artículo, puede ponerse en contacto con los expert...
A“502 Bad Gateway” error means there’s a mix-up talking between servers. This usually fixes itself quickly. How to fix Netflix error 502 Give it some time and then try again. Just like with the 503 error, waiting a bit and retrying can usually solve the problem. Restart your device...
它缺少处理请求的功能,因此它会响应此错误。 502错误的网关 –服务器之间发生了争斗,现在它们不再互相交谈。 撇开玩笑,充当代理或网关时,您的服务器在尝试处理请求时未收到上游服务器的正确响应。 503服务不可用 –由于正在进行维护或服务器当前过载而导致服务器无法处理请求的临时情况。 504网关超时 –例如,服务器...
“502 Bad Gateway” is one of the many different HTTP status codes. Read more about the various errors in these suggested topics: HTTP Error Codes Explained What is HTTP 500 Error – Internal Server Error and How to Fix it What is HTTP 503 Error and How to Fix it ...
Reduce CPU usage (can prevent 502/503 overload errors) LiteSpeed WordPress Hosting (hosts I recommend) Why I Recommend NameHero For LiteSpeed(Getting Started + Optimizations) My Ultimate WordPress Speed Optimization Guide(25 Detailed Tips)
500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 552, 553, 554: These error codes should never occur because they indicate that either an improperly formed request is being sent to the server, the server does not exist, the server cannot process the request that is being made,...
BadGateway 502 The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server. ServiceUnavailable 503 The server is currently unavailable. GatewayTimeout 504 The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and did not receive a timely response from the upstrea...
服务器一旦发生错误比如500,502的页面代码出现,没有技术人员,你的处境会十分尴尬,故障可能短期内无法修复,你将流失掉很多在线客户 选择自助建站平台,比如:易极赞,wix等是一个非常好的选择,通常平台会有十分丰富的网站模板供选择,一键免安装生成,所见即所得。后续提供服务器托管服务,你的系统由专业人员去升级和维护,...
public static final ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode HTTP_STATUS502 Static value HttpStatus502 for ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode.HTTP_STATUS503 public static final ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode HTTP_STATUS503 Static value HttpStatus503 for ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatus...
502, 0, spam check failed for sender: {sarg0} The sender is either in the list of rejected senders or in the list of rejected domains 503, 0, spam check failed for recipient: {sarg0} Relay is not allowed for the non local recipient's domain, or The local recipient is in the list...