That document defined status 418 thusly: "Any attempt to brew coffee with a teapot should result in the error code '418 I'm a teapot.' The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout." The error code has since become a running gag. ...
The HTTP 418 I'm a teapot client error response code indicates that the server refuses to brew coffee because it is a teapot.[允悲]
418:“I’m a teapot.” This code is returned by teapots that receive requests to brew coffee. It’s also an April Fool’s Joke from 1998. 418 “I’m a teapot” status code 422:“Unprocessable Entity.” The client request contains semantic errors, and the server can’t process it. ...
418I'm a teapot (RFC 2324)I_AM_A_TEAPOTNo reference Description: This code was defined in 1998 as one of the traditional IETF April Fools' jokes, in RFC 2324, Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol, and is not expected to be implemented by actual HTTP servers. ...
$this->assertResponseStatusCodeSame(418);$this->assertJsonContains(['@id'=>'/my_domain_exceptions','@type'=>'MyDomainException','type'=>'/errors/418','title'=>'Teapot error','detail'=>'I am teapot','myCustomField'=>'I usually prefer coffee.']);}}// src/App/Playground.phpnamesp...
//</h3>\n\n<pre><code>HTTP/1.1 418 I'M A TEAPOT\nServer: nginx/0.7.67\nDate: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 04:25:38 GMT\nConnection: close\nx-more-info:\nContent-Length: 135\n</code></pre>\n\n<h3 id=\"-curl-https-httpbin...
$this->assertResponseStatusCodeSame(418);$this->assertJsonContains(['@id'=>'/my_domain_exceptions','@type'=>'MyDomainException','type'=>'/errors/418','title'=>'Teapot error','detail'=>'I am teapot','myCustomField'=>'I usually prefer coffee.']);}}// src/App/Playground.phpnamesp...