当您在浏览网页时遇到HTTP Error 400: Bad Request,这表明服务器无法理解或处理您的请求,通常由于请求语法存在错误。这种情况可能涉及到请求参数格式不正确或者请求头信息不完整。如果遇到HTTP Status 401: Unauthorized,这意味着请求的资源需要用户认证,您可能需要登录或者提供必要的身份验证信息。HTTP Stat...
you could stumble upon a 404 Page Not Found message, but there’s also a chance that you see an HTTP 410 Gone error. Should this be the case, then you tried to access a resource that was
410 Gone versus 410 Bad Gateway: Watch out! There is no confusion here: 410 GoneisHTTP 410 Gone, nothing else. If you happen to find information or questions relating http status 410 with thewrongdescriptionBad Gatewayinstead ofGone, it will be most probably adressed to IT people managing C...
410响应的目的主要是帮助网站管理员维护网站,通知用户该资源已经不再可用,并且服务器拥有者希望所有指向这个资源的远端连接也被删除。这类事件在限时、增值服务中很普遍。同样,410响应也被用于通知客户端在当前服务器站点上,原本属于某个个人的资源已经不再可用。当然,是否需要把所有永久不可用的资源标记为'410 Gone',...
not be available again. This code should be used when a resource has been intentionally removed and the resource should not be purged. When a 410 status code is received, the client should not request this resource again in the future. Clients such as search engines will remove the resource...
408: Request TimeoutThe server timed out waiting for the client to complete the request. 409: ConflictThe request could not be processed because of a conflict, such as an edit conflict, or too many concurrent requests. 410: GoneThe requested file is no longer available at this URI. The cl...
BadGateway 502 伺服器做為閘道或 Proxy,並收到來自上游伺服器的無效回應。 BadRequest 400 因為語法不正確,所以無法滿足要求。 CannotConnect 14 無法連線至目的地。 CertificateCommonNameIsIncorrect 1 SSL 憑證一般名稱與網址不符。 CertificateContainsErrors 3 SSL 憑證包含錯誤。 CertificateExpired 2 SSL 憑證已...
410 - Gone 411 - Length Required 412 - Precondition Failed 413 - Request Entity Too Large 414 - Request, URI Too Large 415 - Unsupported Media Type Top Server Error Codes 500 - Internal Server Error 501 - Not Implemented 502 - Bad Gateway ...
400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 405 Method Not Allowed 410 Gone 412 Precondition Failed 500 Internal Server Error Enhanced Error Codes with a 4xx “status” usually appear when the error is generated by the client and most of the time it implies that the client ...
Code:410 Gone Probable cause:The file was removed from the server Possible Solutions: Update the URL. This error code is used when a file has been intentionally deleted and won’t be re-added. Code:405 Method Not Allowed Probable cause:A request method isn’t supported for the resource re...