这些新形式的Cables已与404的Powers和Error's融合在一起,Cables开始以红色和蓝色追逐目标,一旦被锁定到某个物体上,则将启动Blue Master,然后将Blue和Red的颜色混合为黑色,迫使对象或人处于强制约束状态。而最后的杀手是当黑线将蓝精通作为一种沉重的重力将对手压碎时,以纯粹的力量将对手压成灰尘。 投胎 当Error404被...
J.404's powers turn 404's regular attacks into more extreme versions of his previous abilities, he's not above using his hands to fight either and without fear or a mind to break J.404 is very capable of going up against TransVoid like entities with little issue no doubt able to overp...