1、更改nginx.conf在http定义区域加入:proxy_intercept_errors或者fastcgi_intercept_errors 2、更改nginx.conf,在server 区域加入:error_page 404 /404.html 或者error_page 404 =http://www.xxx.com/404.html 3、更改后重启nginx,,测试nginx.conf正确性 #502 等错误可以用同样的方法来配置。 error_page 500 50...
实训的时候做了一个404 ErrorPage页面,开始总是有问题,原因在于变换目录后图片就找不到了。 比如在网站根目录下找不到相应页面就会正常显示,但是进入Admin文件夹后页面就不正常了。 这是我们组的实训网站目录: 这个是404页面,是一张图片加上热区的设置。 noFile.jsp的实现如下: <%@page contentType="text/html...
spingBoot Whitelabel Error Page 404 简介 新建了一个springBoot项目,发现没法启动映射功能,页面老是报404的错误。错误原因:Application启动类默认扫描同一级包或下一级包下的java文件,导致404错误。解决方法如下:1. 将java文件放到同一级包下2. 添加注解ComponentScan3. 放到下一级包中提醒: 1. 简介的数字...
我看了下配置 error_page 404 /error.html; 完全没问题,初步估计是fastcgi没把错误给Nginx 查了下nginx的文档 果然 fastcgi_intercept_errors syntax: fastcgi_intercept_errors on|off default: fastcgi_intercept_errors off context: http, server, location ...
This error will be displayed to a user via a basic HTML page with the error codes (404,403,500, and503) as shown below. NGINX 404 Error Page Having a dynamic site with such an ugly-looking page will reduce the UI/UX impression of your site. However, NGINX provides you with the opti...
Sometimes, the error page is very simple: Other times, they are more intricate or even playful: Here’s another example of a playful 404 error page: Common messages you might see on 404 error pages include: “The page you’re trying to access doesn’t exist” ...
如果遇到STEAM页面ERROR404进不去的情况,可以尝试网络重置。首先断开网络连接,然后重新连接网络。这样可以清除可能存在的网络缓存和错误,从而解决STEAM页面ERROR404进不去的问题。 措施三、检查网络连接 玩家在打开STEAM时遇到页面ERROR404进不去问题的话,可以检查一下网络连接是否正常。确保网络连接稳定,没有严重的网络波动...
But, the experience of a new visitor can turn horrible if they are greeted with the ‘page not found’ message. Error pages can kill all your hard work. So what’ll the visitor do next? They’ll press the back button immediately if you haven’t set your error 404 page (status code)...
Call 404 page manually from a controller $this->router->show_404(); Example of use case:/store/product/3is called,product()exists but there's no product 3. Note: replace all occurrences of$thisin the error method by$CI: $CI=&get_instance();$CI->output->set_status_header('404');...