Trying to Install AutoCAD 2023 (Including Specialized Toolsets), finding the Installation is unsuccessful. Installation Error 4005. Tried this solution, but not succeeded: To solve the issue, delete all data in the following folders, then check the solutions below one by one: C:\Autodesk\WI\...
Copy the file C:\Autodesk\[AutoCAD 2023 media folder]\x64\acad\acad.adix to the desktop Modify the extention .adix to .msix Right-click and select Properties, in Digital Signatures tab Select the Autodesk Certificate and...
4、程序和功能窗口,左侧边栏,点击【启用或关闭 Windows 功能】;5、Windows 功能窗口,找到并【勾选.NET Framework 3.5 (包括 .NET 2.0 和3.0)】;6、正在搜索需要的文件,这步骤只需要等待net组件下载安装即可。7、安装好.NET Framework后,我们就可以回去安装CAD软件了。以上就是安装autocad2023时,提示...
Application Name : AutoCAD Architecture 2023 Package Name : AutoCAD Architecture 2023 Error code : 1603 Error Context: 1: LicensingCustomAction.licRegister [I] [16:32:12:945]: [ADLM_EULA_COUNTRY]: 1: LicensingCustomAction.licR...