What is Error 400 in VBA Error 400 in VBA is like a message “something’s not right” that pops up when your Excel macro runs into a problem. It doesn’t give you specific details about what went wrong, so it can be tricky to figure out. This error often happens if there’s an...
Excel 2010 VBA: Errors with Application.PrinterCommunications (Error 1004) Microsoft Build 21每23 技忘攸 2024 忍. 妝忘把快忍我扼找把我把抉志忘找抆扼攸 妍找抗抖抉扶我找抆 扭把快忱批扭把快忪忱快扶我快 Learn 圾抉抄找我 妍找抗抖抉扶我找抆 扭把快忱批扭把快忪忱快扶我快...
Hi, I am trying to open document with macros in excel. It does not open it comes up with the error message "Microsoft visual basic for applications 400". Please help me fix this.
Has anyone run into this error. It occured on loading a file after loading new macro sets into the Excel VBA Editor?? My file will not save after this occurs. I googled it but did get an explanation that applied to my circumstances. ...
调用工作表函数就可以了 这是最简单的方式 试下 Range("V2:V" & row1) = "=IF(RC[-1]=""shipped"",""shipped"",IF(OR((RC[235]=851)*(TYPE(RC[-1]*1)=1),(RC[235]=851)*(LEFT(RC[-1],2)=""JQ"")),""JQ"","""))&IF((RC[...
"Select method of Range class failed": Excel VBA Runtime error 1004. "Run-time error 1004"- Excel macro. "Runtime error 1004" This error occurs when method open of object workbooks failed "Run time error 1004" This error occurs when Method 'Ranger' of Object' Worksheet' Failed "Save A...
Excelperfect 正如在上文中所看到的,当运行VBA代码发生错误时,取决于On Error语句,会发生下面的情形: 1.代码停止运行并显示错误。 2.忽略错误并继续运行。 3.跳至标签指定行。 当使用On Error语句时,VBA会修改错误处理操作,并忽略前面默认或指定...
运行使用 LegendEntries 方法对 Microsoft Excel 图表中的图例条目进行更改的 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 宏时,可能会收到以下错误消息: 运行时错误“1004”:应用程序或对象定义的错误 原因 如果Excel 图表包含的图例条目多于可用于在 Excel 图表上显示图例条目的空间,则会出现此行为。 发生此行为...
Excelperfect 好的应用程序应该能够捕获错误并进行相应的处理,而不是VBA弹出的错误消息。正如上文提到的,有两种方法处理运行时错误。对于可预见的错误,编写特定的代码来处理它们。对于不可预见的意外错误,则使用VBA错误处理语句来处理。 在VBA中,On Error语句用于错误处理。当代码运行时发生错误时,该语句将执行相应操作...
这是一段由我编写且已经添加好注释的EXCEL VBA代码。 代码窗口里的代码 Sub 遍历error参数及描述() 'i:声明一个变量,sz():声明一个动态数组 On Error GoTo en '如果错误跳转至en: Dim i As Long, sz() As String For i = 1 To 65535 '负数未遍历,Transpose一次最多转置65536行 ...