国内的微信、QQ、微博、知乎也是支持社会化登录。 二、以谷歌账号登录网站报错Error 400: invalid_request 三、解决方法:注册谷歌API、获得凭据、创建OAuth客户端ID https://console.cloud.google.com/ 创建项目【XXX】,进入控制台 配置同意屏 同意屏幕:用户在你的应用登录时,google展示给用户的信息,包括网站域名与lo...
社会化登录,如使用Google账号,是网站提升用户体验和接入外部资源的重要方式。它通过OAuth协议,允许用户授权第三方应用访问存储在Google的私密信息,无需直接分享用户名和密码。OAuth 2.0版本简化了开发者操作,支持多种设备认证流程。然而,有时可能会遇到Error 400: invalid_request的问题,这通常是由于Goo...
This google tutorial (OAuth2: Authenticate users with Google) (Updated on Monday, February 6, 2023) is not longer working after this new OAuth Custom URI scheme restrictions (blog post created on October 02, 2023). This means that new chrome extensions cannot make use of chrome.identity.getA...
还是出现”HTTP Error 400. The request URL is invalid”的错误,最后问度娘、谷歌,最终找到解决方法:修改服务器的注册表。 Http.sys Windows 的注册表设置(https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/troubleshoot/developer/webapps/iis/iisadmin-service-inetinfo/httpsys-registry-windows) 可以在以下注册表项下创建以下...
Bad Request - Invalid URL HTTP Error 400 HTTP Error 400. The request URL is invalid. 问题:我访问:http://localhost:8105/Common/1/1741/c92ee8793e97416fa334baf8af2ff33c/265、关于【募投项目募集资金100%置换】的案例研究.pdf?key=5u8r15%2f53vSLiTevZp90uR30IY4%2bnrfhhoQO1W2s%2f4g%3d ...
Error400:invalid_request If you get an error that says “400 invalid_request” or “Access blocked: App sent an invalid request,” it means the app uses an authorization method that Google doesn't allow. Google has safe ways for you to sign in and share your Google Account data with thi...
HTTP 错误 400(Bad Request)表示服务器无法理解客户端的请求,因为请求可能格式错误或请求中包含了无效参数。这是一个通用错误消息,表明客户端发送的请求有问题,服务器无法处理。 “请求动词无效”的具体原因 “请求动词无效”通常意味着客户端在请求中使用了服务器不支持或未识别的HTTP方法(也称为“动作”或“动词”...
Mac Mail and Gmail - Error 400: invalid_request I am getting the above error when trying to add my Gmail to my Mac Mail app ? 1 year ago 5370 4 Gmail not working with Mail after update to 12.4 I just updated to OS 12.4 and now the Apple Mail app won't work with my gmail ...
Regarding yourinvalid_requesterror, I need more information about the details of the error if you have them since there are a couple variations. Lastly I can offerhttps://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/nest/#troubleshootingif you have not seen that, though not sure it covers your specific...
一般在上网浏览网站的时候第一次打开完网页再打开连接以后,有时容易出现400错误请求的问题。解决的方法如下:1、打开internet选项。2、删除所有的cookies。3、点隐私把隐私级别设置到最高阻止所有的cookie。这样浏览网页的时候就不会再出现400 错误请求的问题了。但是浏览某些需要cookie的网站(如:论坛或...