2203 Database: [2]. Cannot open database file. System error [3]. 2204 Database: [2]. Table already exists: [3]. 2205 Database: [2]. Table does not exist: [3]. 2206 Database: [2]. Table could not be dropped: [3]. 2207 Database: [2]. Intent violation. 2208 Database: [...
The error code is 2203. The arguments are: C:\WINNT\Installer\2579981.ipi, -2147287035According to the Windows Installer documentation, error code 2203 means Database: [2]. Cannot open database file. System error [3] . In this case, the system error code (-2147287...
Install the openssh-clients package and check the installation with ssh -V. SSH client not installed. Install the openssh-clients package and check the installation with ssh -V. If the problem persists, contact technical support. 400 SMS.1403 No grub file found. Find it under /boot. No ...
The error code -2147287035 in the Installer log file usually indicates that an "Access denied" error occurred during the installation. This means that the installer might not have rights to write to the directory referenced. The 2203 error code can also be an indication of a problem with the...
Unable to open database. 2202 Cannot DETACH database within transaction. 2203 Cannot detach database: '%s' 2204 Database '%s' is locked. 2205 Unable to acquire a read lock on the database. 2206 [column|columns] '%s'[,'%s'] are not [unique|is] not unique. 2207 Ma...
Windows Defender Application Guard (WDAG) or Windows Sandbox might fail to open with the error, "ERROR_VSMB_SAVED_STATE_FILE_NOT_FOUND (0xC0370400)" or "E_PATHNOTFOUND (0x80070003)". Workaround To mitigate this issue after ...
The stored procedure cannot access database objects, because the NULL-connect failed. A preceding message contains the corresponding DB2 SQLSTATE. User response Check the error file or the error table for additional messages. Consult the DB2 documentation for information about the SQLSTATE found in...
17 INACTIVE_USER User account is not active and cannot be used 18 NO_API_ACCESS User doesn't have API access permissions 19 FEATURE_DISABLED 20 MAX_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDED The file size is larger than 52428800 bytes (50MB) 21 MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH_EXCEEDED The file name size, including the pa...
You cannot reimport full data to the specified version of the application. App.Unavailable.NotReady 2028 The error code returned because the application is being created. To import full data, wait until the application is created. App.InvalidParameter.Type 2029 The error code returned because the...
2402 Loading annotation database. 2403 2404 Command error: 2405 Loading counts, conditions and parameters. 2406 Warning message: 2407 In read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, : 2408 incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'de_analysis/coldata.tsv' ...