1. 错误代码2042的含义 错误代码2042在VBA中表示“类型不匹配”错误。这通常发生在以下几种情况: 尝试将非数字值赋给一个数字类型的变量。 在数组中混合使用不同类型的元素。 在需要特定类型参数的函数或过程中使用了不兼容的类型。 2. 导致“类型不匹配”错误的可能原因 变量类型声明错误:在声明变量时未指定正确...
VBA-异常处理(On Error Goto) On Error Goto语句步骤: ( 1 )在过程中可能导致错误的代码行的前面添加错误处理语句 On Error Goto ErrHandler ,其中的“ ErrHandler ”为自定义的错误标签名称。 ( 2 )在有可能导致… tan90 我宣布 VBA全民中文编程时代 正式开启 郑广学老师 优化VBA效率 之 优化录制宏 曾经帮很...
Warning: No information is available to check remote update conflicts (Error 1496) Warning: The connection packet size cannot be set (Error 1483) Warning: The connection sync/async mode cannot be set (Error 1480) Warning: The connection timeout cannot be set (Error 1481) Warning: The connecti...
Warning: No information is available to check remote update conflicts (Error 1496) Warning: The connection packet size cannot be set (Error 1483) Warning: The connection sync/async mode cannot be set (Error 1480) Warning: The connection timeout cannot be set (Error 1481) Warning: The connecti...
AD check health AD Clock Time is not accurate AD Communication Ports Between Domain Controllers and the client for communication. AD Computer Names over 15 characters? AD Computer Object LastLogon 0 or not filled AD computer object's modified date the last logged on date? AD cross domain authe...
Warning: No information is available to check remote update conflicts (Error 1496) Warning: The connection packet size cannot be set (Error 1483) Warning: The connection sync/async mode cannot be set (Error 1480) Warning: The connection timeout cannot be set (Error 1481) Warning: The connecti...
Warning: No information is available to check remote update conflicts (Error 1496) Warning: The connection packet size cannot be set (Error 1483) Warning: The connection sync/async mode cannot be set (Error 1480) Warning: The connection timeout cannot be set (Error 1481) Warning: The connecti...
type-check "~0.3.2" loader-utils@^1.1.0: version "1.4.0" resolved "https://registry.npmmirror.com/loader-utils/download/loader-utils-1.4.0.tgz?cache=0&sync_timestamp=1636687965160&other_urls=https%3A%2F%2Fregistry.npmmirror.com%2Floader-utils%2Fdownload%2Floader-utils-1.4.0.tgz#c579...
Error: https://packages.aliyun.com/60f944e9342aa6e0763adef9/npm/npm-registry/similar-server/-/similar-server-0.5.6.tgz: Request failed "401 Unauthorized" at ResponseError.ExtendableBuiltin (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/yarn/lib/cli.js:696:66) ...
AD check health AD Clock Time is not accurate AD Communication Ports Between Domain Controllers and the client for communication. AD Computer Names over 15 characters? AD Computer Object LastLogon 0 or not filled AD computer object's modified date the last logged on date? AD cross domain au...