一、确定错误代码error 1406的含义 错误代码1406通常出现在Windows系统下安装软件时,具体表现为“Could not write value to key”的错误。这表示安装程序试图向Windows注册表中写入一个值时遇到了问题,可能是因为权限不足或注册表项被其他程序(如杀毒软件)锁定。 二、查找可能导致“could not write value”错误的原因...
我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 从你提供的错误信息来看,这是一个与权限相关的问题。当安装GIS软件(例如ArcGIS)时出现“Error 1406: Could not write value to key”的提示通常意味着你没有足够的权限来写入注册表或某些关键的系统文件。以下是一些建议来解决这个问题:1. 以管理员身份运行:...
“错误1406.Could not write value to key\CLSID\{F0291081-E87C-4E07-97DA-A0A03761E586}. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key,or contact your support personnel。” 啥意思呢 就是说你不能把值写到这个一串的key里面,需要确认有足够的权限访问该key。 原因分析 因为没有权限访问,造成安...
“error 1406 could not write value to key”“error 1406 could not write value buttonname”“error 1406 could not write value to key clsid” What make this problem so irritating is that the installation process fails only on some software installs – and the software that fails during the in...
When you tried to install Autodesk Inventor®, the installation stopped and you received the following error message: 1406-Could not write value to key or Error 1406. Could not write value to key \Software\Classes\CLSID\{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-4445535
Error 1406 Could not write value to key \Software\Classes\Interface... when installing Autodesk software. Usually this error can be ignored, click Ignore few times to proceed with the installation. However, if the installation fails, try the following su
“Error 1406:could not write value install path tokey\software\vmware,inc\vmwareconverter hosted verify that you have sufficient access to that key or contalt your support personnel ”这个错误。原因可能是,在安装之前有旧的VMware注册表键值没有删除干净,造成现安装无法写入注册表Software\VMware.Inc这个注...
“Error 1406:could not write value install path tokey\software\vmware,inc\vmwareconverter hosted verify that you have sufficient access to that key or contalt your support personnel ”这个错误。原因可能是,在安装之前有旧的VMware注册表键值没有删除干净,造成现安装无法写入注册表Software\VMware.Inc这个注...