一、错误背景:ERROR 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'userid'二、解决办法: 其实这个问题的本质是子查询:中出现重复字段名,如下图:所以,我们在查询的时候需要对字段进行重命名,如下:但是这样是在查询原有全部信息的同时又增加了重新命名的两列,如何在查询全部信息的同时更改其中某个字...
一、错误背景: select*,o.useridaso_idfrom(select*fromorderinfoaso leftjoinuserinfoasu on u.userid=o.userid)twheret.isPaid='已支付'; ERROR 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'userid' 二、解决办法: 其实这个问题的本质是子查询: select*fromorderinfoaso leftjoinuserinfoasu on u.userid=o.us...
请输入您的MySQL的root用户密码!Please enter the mysql root user password!password ERROR 1060 (42S2...
Re: ERROR 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name while select and join Chad Bourque June 16, 2010 08:00AM Re: ERROR 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name while select and join Clement Yap June 20, 2010 07:19PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. ...
· 错误:1047 SQLSTATE: 08S01 (ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR) 消息:未知命令。 · 错误:1048 SQLSTATE: 23000 (ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR) 消息:列'%s'不能为空。 · 错误:1049 SQLSTATE: 42000 (ER_BAD_DB_ERROR) 消息:未知数据库'%s'。 · 错误:1050 SQLSTATE: 42S01 (ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR) 消...
1060 42S21 ER_DUP_FIELDNAME Duplicate column name '%s' 1061 42000 ER_DUP_KEYNAME Duplicate key name '%s' 1062 23000 ER_DUP_ENTRY Duplicate entry '%s' for key %d 1063 42000 ER_WRONG_FIELD_SPEC Incorrect column specifier for column '%s' 1064 42000 ER_PARSE_ERROR %s near '%s' at line...
1060 42S21 ER_DUP_FIELDNAME Duplicate column name '%s' 1061 42000 ER_DUP_KEYNAME Duplicate key name '%s' 1062 23000 ER_DUP_ENTRY Duplicate entry '%s' for key %d 1063 42000 ER_WRONG_FIELD_SPEC Incorrect column specifier for column '%s' 1064 42000 ER_PARSE_ERROR %s near '%s' at line...
ER_DUP_FIELDNAME 1060 42S21 ER_DUP_KEYNAME 1061 42000 ER_DUP_ENTRY 1062 23000 ER_WRONG_FIELD_SPEC 1063 42000 ER_PARSE_ERROR 1064 42000 ER_EMPTY_QUERY 1065 42000 ER_NONUNIQ_TABLE 1066 42000 ER_INVALID_DEFAULT 1067 42000 ER_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY 1068 42000 ...
ERROR 1050 (42S01): TABLE 'INVGSP/#SQL-IB379' ALREADY EXISTS mysql> 检查了后,发现表DAY_BOOK_REPORT确实不存在字段UNIT_PRICE_PCS,但是给表加字段时就报这个错误,遂咨询了一下他具体的操作过程,反馈是当时在做大量数据更新,然后给这个表增加字段时,突然报“DB connect fail”, 登录MySQL服务器检查发现My...
Re: ERROR 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name while select and join Chad Bourque June 16, 2010 08:00AM Re: ERROR 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name while select and join Clement Yap June 20, 2010 07:19PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed....