在数据库系统(尤其是SQL Server的镜像或Always On可用性组环境中),错误代码1033通常指的是“登录错误”,具体可能表示在尝试连接到备用(或镜像)数据库服务器时认证失败。这通常不是由SQL Server直接抛出的标准错误代码,但可能是根据系统日志、应用程序日志或数据库管理工具(如SQL Server Management Studio, SSMS)的错误...
Error1033 received logging on to the standby,主库日志未传输到备库解决办法 方法/步骤 1 1.在RAC与dg环境中配置完成后主库需要向备库传输日志文件,但配置完成后发现备库并没有接到到日志信息 2 2.查看主库错误日志信息可以看到如下图中的错误提示信息 3 3.找了很多方法都说是与口令文件有关,然后在备...
Good day I'm getting the below error on the primary database after starting the MRP Error 1033 received logging on to the standby I copied the password file from primary to standby using the below command , still no good luck . could you please advise if we have to recreate the password...
Good Day ! I'm in an interesting situation. I can login using sys/passwd@service-name as sysdba on standby <<< which implies -- password file + TNS entry verified. but still getting above error. fal_client and fal_server params already checked. any suggestions. regards, -Muhammad Ahmad...
Errors written in Primary's alert log as soon as log_archive_dest_State_2 to ship Archived Logs to the Standby Database is enabled2021-05-16T18:06:32.451987-04:00TT02 (PID:2291): Error 1033 received logging on to the standby2021-05-16T18:06:32.452233-04:00Errors in file /app/oracle...
Error Message EID-110: Could not log back into MGM standby server(s). Recommended Action Cisco MGM client cannot connect to the servers listed in Control Panel > Recovery Properties > Server Lists. Ping the IP address of the server that you are trying to connect to. Error Message EID-...
Issue 🔥 at react-native run-android, i get the following error: com.android.build.api.transform.TransformException: Error while generating the main dex list Project Files iOS Click To Expand ios/Podfile: I'm not using Pods I'm using Pods...
This morning on one of our Production databases we received a strange error. It looks like it's an error about an error message, but I haven't found much to go off of as far as troubleshooting goes.prettyprint 複製 10/11/2013 10:21:54,spid395,Unknown,Failed to load format stri...
For the error: error CS2018: Unable to find messages file 'cscui.dll'Standing on system’s angle, it should be a file missing issue, we should firstly check this file in the path:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\1033
I can login using sys/passwd@service-name as sysdba on standby <<< which implies -- password file + TNS entry verified. but still getting above error. fal_client and fal_server params already checked. any suggestions. regards, -Muhammad Ahmad...