分析:这个错误是VBA在尝试打印Excel文件时发生的运行时错误1004,错误信息提示无法打印文件,可能有以下几个原因: 内存不足:计算机可能没有足够的内存来处理打印任务。可以关闭一些不需要的程序和文件以释放内存。 网络连接问题:如果使用网络打印机,可能存在网络连接问题,或者打印机驱动程序有问题。可以检查网络连接并重新安...
Reason #7: VBA Code Attempts to Incorrectly Open File That is Not an Excel File The following example code results in error 1004, and VBA displays the error message “Run-time error ‘1004’: Excel VBA Hyperlinks.docx: file format is not valid.” Sub OpenWordFile() Workbooks.Open Filenam...
VBA Excel : Error 1004 - Delete Method out of Range class failed Hello can you help me ? i get error1004 after executing this macro, it has something to do with delete method could you please help me fixing that ? (Base bellow for testing) View best response ...
VBA Runtime Error 1004 occurs while you are executing a macro in Excel. It’s an error that can occur due to several reasons. In the below example, as you can see, when I run the code, it shows the run-time error ‘1004’. In simple words, you can also say it occurs when you ...
调用工作表函数就可以了 这是最简单的方式 试下 Range("V2:V" & row1) = "=IF(RC[-1]=""shipped"",""shipped"",IF(OR((RC[235]=851)*(TYPE(RC[-1]*1)=1),(RC[235]=851)*(LEFT(RC[-1],2)=""JQ"")),""JQ"","""))&IF((RC[...
Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet Set xlSheet =Workbook("database.xls") .Worksheets("Result")If isGrade = True Then pos = alpha(index) + CStr(2)Sheets("Result").Activate Range(pos).Value = "Grade"index = index + 1 End If If isCountry = True Then pos = alpha(index) + ...
sh.Range("b" & b & ":" & "c" & b).Copy Sheets("粘贴表").Cells(c + 1, 2)sh.Range("b" & b & ":" & "c" & b).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues 第一句拷贝并粘贴到【粘贴表】的单元格后,拷贝区域并没有清除 第二句在拷贝的位置进行选择性粘贴,不被允许,所以报错 ...
ActiveSheet.name = Range("F4") & " to " & Range("E4") End Sub MichelleJ2480 Here you go: SubRename_Sheet()DimNewNameAsStringDimWSAsWorksheet' Get the new nameNewName=Range("F4")&" to "&Range("E4")' If this is the name of the active sheet, we're doneIfActiveSheet.Na...
Excel 2010 VBA: Errors with Application.PrinterCommunications (Error 1004) Issue: I turn off printercommunication at begining of macro: Application.PrintCommunication = False Then I turn on after macro executes: Application.PrintCommunication = True...
運行時錯誤 『1004』:應用程式或物件定義錯誤 原因 當Excel 圖表包含的圖例項目數目超過可用空間在 Excel 圖表上顯示圖例專案時,就會發生此行為。 發生此行為時,Microsoft Excel 可能會截斷圖例專案。 因為VBA 宏中的 LegendEntries 方法會使用此案例中圖例 (所顯示的內容,所以截斷的圖例專案) ,所以當專案數目超過在...