Key notes Zoom install update error 10004 can occur due to an outdated Zoom client that may prevent it from connecting with its servers. Allowing Zoom through Windows Firewall can fix the error. You can run into errors for many reasons when using the Zoom client on your computer. These erro...
6036 JSON string writer expecting key or end object. (since 100.0.0) 6037 JSON string writer expecting value or end array. (since 100.0.0) 6038 JSON string writer expecting value. (since 100.0.0) Mapping errors Errors related to the internal ArcGISRuntime domain and mapping APIs. Error code...
6036 JSON string writer expecting key or end object. (since 100.0.0) 6037 JSON string writer expecting value or end array. (since 100.0.0) 6038 JSON string writer expecting value. (since 100.0.0) Mapping errors Errors related to the internal ArcGISRuntime domain and mapping APIs. Error code...
TitleKey Data 2001769 Error While Propagating Permissions: "Unable to save permission ... Event ID 1450 DSID 3150dbe Other Blocking Issues Expand table TopicKBKey Data Replication Quarantine 2020053 Event ID 2042Error status 8614 Replication failure caused by Lingering objects when Strict Replication ...
0xC0014031-1073659855 DTS_E_GETKEYFROMCERTFAILED Failed to obtain cryptographic key pair associated with the specified certificate with error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". Verify that you have the key pair for which the certificate was issued. This error usually occurs when trying to sign a document...
APP_ERR_PLUGIN_TOOLKIT_METADATA_PLUGIN_NAME_KEY_ALREADY_EXIST 7015 "plugin toolkit metadata plugin name key is exist" APP_ERR_PLUGIN_TOOLKIT_METADATA_ERROR_INFO_MAP_IS_NULL 7016 "plugin toolkit metadata error info map is null" APP_ERR_PLUGIN_TOOLKIT_MESSAGE_TO_STRING_FAILED 7017 "plu...
16 | | 3 | EN | 10003 | 2022-10-12 16:29:26 | +---+---+---+---+ 3 rows in set obclient> INSERT INTO t_insert(id, name, value) VALUES (3,'UK', 10003),(4, 'JP', 10004) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name=VALUES(name); Query OK, 1 row affected 再次查看 t_insert 表...
4 IP 不符 - - 80 不合法的 x-api-key 或 app key 82 Partner key 不符合 - - 209 缺少參數 : request_type. 211 參數錯誤 : request_type. - - 450 建立聯名卡失敗 {詳細錯誤訊息} 451 fpan_bincodes 長度需小於等於 50 452 token_bincodes 長度需小於等於 50 453 刪除聯名卡失敗 {詳細錯誤...
SL_STATUS_WIFI_SECURE_LINK_KEY_RENEGOTIATION_ERROR ((sl_status_t)0x0B59) Error while renegotiation of key over secure link. #define SL_STATUS_WIFI_INVALID_OPERMODE ((sl_status_t)0x0B60) Invalid opermode provided. #define SL_STATUS_WIFI_INVALID_ENCRYPTION_METHOD ((sl_status_t)...
0xC0014031-1073659855 DTS_E_GETKEYFROMCERTFAILED Failed to obtain cryptographic key pair associated with the specified certificate with error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". Verify that you have the key pair for which the certificate was issued. This error usually occurs when trying to sign a document...