請在電腦上更新 Windows 模組安裝程式,然後再試一次安裝程式。 當您使用指令碼來安裝.msu 更新套件時,安裝就會失敗。發生這個問題時,Wusa.exe 程序就會傳回錯誤碼 0x800f0823。 原因 之所以發生這個問題,是因為安裝需要新版的 Windows 模組安裝程式或服務的堆疊。 解決方案 若要解決這個問題,請使用...
描述由于安装需要新版本的 Windows 模块安装程序,也称为服务堆栈而出现的问题。要解决此问题,请使用 Windows Update 更新 Windows 模块安装程序。
sorry we couldn’t install this update, but you can try again (0x800f0823, 0x8024a22d) If you are one of them who is getting this error, this article may help you in fixing of the problem. You may get the Windows update error code in the following situation: When you try to insta...
The update error 0x800f0823 mostly occurs when you forgot to apply the recent servicing stack update while installing a “.msu update package” on your computer. The Windows 10 20H2 and Windows 10 2004 Security Stack Update is included in the Update Package as of the March 2021 rele...
Did a previous Windows Update fail? You can check in Windows Update history? Please also see http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_programs/erro r-1935-hresult-0x80070bc9/df62ef92-180a-4f9c-86cf-0823f93d2f00 Reply User profile for user: achiq84 achiq84...
Windows cannot access the file for one of the following reasons: there is a problem with the network connection, the disk that the file is stored on, or the storage drivers installed on this computer; or the disk is missing. Windows closed the program The Sims™ 4 because of this error...
How can I fix the 0x800f0823 Windows update error? Before we proceed with advanced troubleshooting solutions, be sure to make the following checks: Restart your PC. Ensure you have a reliable internet connection. Log in as the administrator. ...
Hello. When I try to install new Windows updates I get the 0x800f0823 error. How can I resolve this? The error code 0x800f0823 is a common Windows update error that indicates a failure or interruption during an update's installation. This
Windows server 2016 安装补丁报错 - The update is not applicable to your computer & Error:0x800f0823 技术问题描述:安装KB4571694&KB4577015或其它补丁都报错问题出现环境(软件/硬件): Window2016Standard 64-bit Operating.../windows-10-update-kb4577015>>> 先去Microsoft®UpdateCatalog中下载最新的SSU补丁...
Windows server 2016 安装补丁报错 - The update is not applicable to your computer & Error:0x800f0823 ;KB4577015或其它补丁都报错问题出现环境(软件/硬件):Window2016Standard64-bitOperatingSystem,x64-basedprocessor问题重现步骤...Windowsserver2016安装补丁报错-Theupdateisnotapplicabletoyourcomputer&Error:0x80...