一、报错:0x80073CFF,中间带有开发者许可证 手动打开开发者模式 1)windows键+X 打开 设置 2)在左边侧栏选择隐私和安全性 3)开发者选项 4)启用开发人员模式 5)重新执行安装步骤即可 二、报错:0x80073CF3,中间带有DirectXRuntime 手动安装DirectX运行时或使用DirectX修复工具修复,这里用大佬修复工具 工具下载 https...
We have a msix app (.NET MAUI app for windows) deployed in company portal using Intune's. Installation from company portal is working fine in most of organization machines but in very few machines it is showing the error 0x80073CF3. I did clear the…
I am trying to install WSL (Debian) with this manual: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-on-server, with my MS store disabled. However, I get error 0x80073CF3 === PS C:\USERS\Yerong\Downloads\Ubuntu>…
Signed with a Microsoft signature and deployed as a deep link from the Windows StoreorSigned with a trusted signature and installed on a computer with a Windows Store developer license with the AllowAllTrustedApps policy enabledorSigned with a trusted signature and inst...
App installation failed with error message: Deployment Add operation with target volume C: on Package E965F79B-76C7-47E0-8308-4A503105EDE0_1.0.1.0_x86__ab06nvn9z6x6m from: (SampleNewUpdatedApp_1.0.1.0_x86.msix) failed with error 0x80073CF3. Seehttp://go.microsoft.com/fwl...
Fix 5: Reset Windows Store Cache Any corrupted cache in Microsoft Store can also result in error code 0x80073cfa. Resetting the cache in it enables you to clear the corrupted data and get rid of 0x80073cfa. Step 1. PressWin + Rat the same time to evoke theRunbox. ...
谢谢大佬们的分享,我遇到的情况是运行bat文件出现:HRESULT: 0x80073CFF, 要安装此应用程序,需要有 ...
ERROR: Failed to install UWP Appx Package with error C:\adobeTemp\ETR8C29.tmp\1\SparklerApp\SparklerApp.appx#@#OS_Error_Code: 0x80073cf3#@#OS_Error_String: Windows cannot install package Adobe.CC.XD_30.3.12.5_x64__adky2gkssdxte because this package depends on a framework that c...
ERROR: Failed to install UWP Appx Package with error C:\adobeTemp\ETR8C29.tmp\1\SparklerApp\SparklerApp.appx#@#OS_Error_Code: 0x80073cf3#@#OS_Error_String: Windows cannot install package Adobe.CC.XD_30.3.12.5_x64__adky2gkssdxte because this package depends on a framework that cou...
Learn what to do if you see error 0x80073CF3 when you try to install a game on your Xbox One console or a Windows 10 device. Learn more Received error 0x8015000b and can’t connect to Games for Windows Live? Your network adapter may not be correctly configured. Find out how...