Error 0x80004005 differs from other error codes in that it has no known cause; as a result, it displays a "Unspecified Error" message on a Windows system instead of the usual "Reason(s) for the Error" statement. This suggests that there were several potential causes of the inaccuracy. Wha...
This article helps fix an issue where you receive the Error 0x80004005: Unspecified Error error message when you try to start the OpalisActionService service.Applies to: All versions of Orchestrator Original KB number: 2023357SymptomsWhen attempting to start the OpalisActionService service ...
SYMPTOMS When trying to connect to an Access .mdb file, an ODBC error is returned stating "Disk or Network Error". The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for the Microsoft Jet database engine may also return an "Unspecified error" (error code =0x80004005) message. The problem can occur only when ...
SYMPTOMS When trying to connect to an Access .mdb file, an ODBC error is returned stating "Disk or Network Error". The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for the Microsoft Jet database engine may also return an "Unspecified error" (error code =0x80004005) message. The problem can occur only when ...
If you try unarchiving .zip files which are originally compressed by WinZip and get the 0x80004005: Unspecified error message, kindly follow the steps below to fix the issue: Resolution 2.0 Zip legacy encryption format must be used to encrypt those files. To create a 2.0 legacy encryption ...
"Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error" can be fixed by running an SFC scan. SFC is a built-in Windows utility tool that checks for file system errors and fixes them automatically. It also works to fix corrupted core Windows files. Steps: ...
How can I fix this problem when trying to delete a folder and an alert with the message Error 0x80004005: Unspecified error appears? I've this folder "node_modules" and I want to delete it but when I try to do so I got this error. I installed it using "npm install" command from ...
1. In OneNote, clickFile>Info. 2. Next to the name of the affected notebook, clickSettings, and then clickClose. 3. Switch back to the notebook in OneNote Online in your browser, and then clickOpen in OneNoteon the ribbon.
0x80004005 - Unspecified error good afternoon Installed Backup Exec 2012 revision 1798 Service Pack 4 (Windows 2008R2 + Update / SQL Server 2005 SP4 -9.0.5000) Through LiveUpdate patches installed 217,347. Randomly error 0x80004005 - Unspecified error, which results in the failure of backup. Af...
Error: <Msg time="x" type="SEVERE" code="8003" source="servicename.MapServer" process="x" thread="x" methodName="" machine="x" user="" elapsed="">Failed to initialize server object 'servicename.MapServer': 0x80004005: Unspecified error</Msg> ...