I am trying to deply Java version 8.0.31 to windows 8.1 clients and there are receiving the error The software change returned error code 0x643 (1603). I am using the MSI to deploy it and I don't see what could be wrong here. ...
I am trying to deply Java version 8.0.31 to windows 8.1 clients and there are receiving the error The software change returned error code 0x643 (1603). I am using the MSI to deploy it and I don't see what could be wrong here....
【0x76|118】-验证写入的切换参数值不正确。 【0x77|119】-系统不支持请求的命令。 【0x78|120】-这个系统不支持该功能。 【0x79|121】-信号灯超时时间已到 【0x7a|122】-传递给系统调用的数据区域太小。 【0x7b|123】-文件名、目录名或卷标语法不正确。 【0x7c|124】-系统调用级别不正确。 【0x7d|1...
Error Code 0x8007f0d4 Error Code 0xc8000240 Error Code 3043 Error Code 0x00000001 Error Code 0x8007f0d5 Error Code 0xc80003f3 Error Code 3045 Error Code 0x0000007b Error Code 0x8007f0d6 Error Code 0xc80003f6 Error Code 3051 Error Code 0x00000275 Error Code 0x8007f0d...
1603 (0x643) Fatal error during installation. ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND 1604 (0x644) Installation suspended, incomplete. ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT 1605 (0x645) This action is only valid for products that are currently installed. ERROR_UNKNOWN_FEATURE ...
[2023-07-04T20:15:31]i000: Setting ReturnCode to ERROR [0BE4:0A34][2023-07-04T20:15:31]i500: Shutting down, exit code: 0x643 [0BE4:0A34][2023-07-04T20:15:31]i000: OnShutdown: Result=None [0BE4:0A34][2023-07-04T20:15:31]i410: Variable: CommonAppDataFolder = C:\...
可以通过GetLastError()来获取最新的错误代码,使用FormatMessage()函数可以将错误代码对应的错误内容输出。举个例子: copy // #include <windows.h>LPVOID errBuf; DWORD errCode = GetLastError(); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | ...
[0BE4:0A34][2023-07-04T20:15:31]i410: Variable: WixBundleVersion = [0BE4:0A34][2023-07-04T20:15:31]i007: Exit code: 0x643, restarting: No I also already tried deinstalling the device/driver in the hardware manager, with no success.What can I do now, to ...
632 0x42045c1e: scene_recall at D:/Frameworks/esp-idf-v5.1.1/components/bt/esp_ble_mesh/mesh_models/server/time_scene_server.c:613 TP : 0x3fc79cfc T0 : 0x4005890e T1 : 0x0000000f T2 : 0x3fca4d08 0x4005890e: memset in ROM S0/FP : 0x3fc95200 S1 : 0x3fc950a0 A0 : 0x...
github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/storage.(*Pebble).makeMetricEtcEventListener.func4({{0xc0096c6ed0, 0x2f}, 0x3, 0x0, 0x4bd7c719b}) F230620 04:00:48.100801 342480 storage/pebble.go:1268 ⋮ [T1,n1] 1640 ! github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/storage/pebble.go:1268 +0x215 F...