cx_oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在 是一个常见的 Oracle 数据库错误,通常表明在尝试访问的数据库中不存在指定的表或视图。针对这个错误,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认错误信息: 错误信息已经明确指出是 Oracle 数据库返回的 ORA-00942 错误,表明表或视图不存在。
Error in Building schema document from database: SQLSyntaxErrorException (ORA-00942: table or view does not exist)The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:Launch the validate.bat (/.sh) utility. Enter the database connection information then click Next. The Schema Validation...
Reference the Correct Schema You may be seeing the Ora-00942 error because you are referencing a table or view in a schema which you did not create but one that is in another schema. To correctly execute the query from another schema, you must reference the table by the schema name. SELE...
Cause: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Then I try to run the sql statement that the webapp trying to execute before hitting this error and it returns the results without any error. The vendor give me the feedback that the table or the synonyms might be mi...
的OGG环境,在同步时,在备库上出现同步异常,报错Fatal error executing DDL replication: error [Error code [942], ORA-00942: 通过分析OGG的错误日志ggserr.log,可以发现在正常的DDL同步时,有个设置当前SCHEMA的操作,在同步出错时,OGG软件没有设置当前SCHEMA操作;此时使用OGGDBA用户执行DDL,因此报ORA-00942 表不...
此后IT知识将只记于私人笔记 ✍ 感谢博客曾经陪伴并感谢继续把知识发布于博客的人 [Error Code: 942, SQL State: 42000] ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在 排除SQL错误的问题之后 在表的前面加上用户名即可 用户名:SHJD SQL:selectt.Work_DatefromPVOAS_OCR_FILE_RESULT tselectt.Work_DatefromSHJD.PVOAS_OCR_...
Database Error MessagesRelease 23ai Updated Sep 9, 2024 ORA-00942 table or viewobject_name does not exist object_name: The table or view name specified as SCHEMA.OBJECT_NAME, if one is provided. Otherwise, it is blank. Cause The specified table or view did not exist, or a synonym ...
【题目】jara.sql.SQLErception: ORA-00942:表或视图不存在\5at oracl e.jdbc.driver. DatabaseError.throwSqlE rception(DatabaseError.jav a: 111)\5at oracl e.jdbc.driver.T 4CT T Ioer.process Error(T 4CT T loer.jav a: 330)\5at oracl e.jdbc.driver.T 4CT T Ioer.process Error(T 4CT T...
导入报错:Load failed! Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist OB Cloud 企业版 szsa996 2023 年12 月 19 日 18:09 #1 image1503×640 118 KB image1264×464 118 KB 报表或视图不存在,我这个是普通用户租户,请问是需要授权哪些表视图甫...
QueryHistory",用来保存用户的查询记录,这时,再用"Select * from QueryHistory"来查询,报 "ORA-00942...