;}catch(error){if(axios.isAxiosError(error)){console.error('AxiosError:',error.message);// 检测error.message并选择是否重试if(shouldRetry(error)){console.log('重试请求...');returnawaitfetchData(url);}}else{console.error('其他错误:',error...
一、整体流程 首先,我们需要了解什么是axioserror,它是axios库中用于捕获请求错误的对象。当请求出现错误时,会返回一个包含错误信息的axioserror对象。下面是实现这个过程的步骤: erDiagram REQUEST --> RESPONSE: 发送请求 RESPONSE --> SUCCESS: 请求成功 RESPONSE --> ERROR: 请求失败 ERROR --> AXIOSERROR: 返...
uniapp浏览器运行axios请求可以正常调用接口,真机运行直接报错入下:errAxiosError: There is no suitable adapter to dispatch the request since : - adapter xhr is not supported by the environment - adapter http is not available in the build at utils/request.js:98 解决如下: 解决方案:配置axios适配器(...
Vue向服务端发送axios请求报错解决:AxiosError 登录界面点击提交向服务端发送用户名和密码,在Vue中用axios向服务端发送请求,一直显示403错误: 出现问题的前端请求代码如下: axios({method:"POST",url:"",data: {username: data.username,password: data.password, }, }).then...
关于"AxiosError: Request failed with status code 403"错误,这表明服务器理解请求,但拒绝授权。这可能是由于以下几个原因: 服务器可能需要某种形式的认证,而你的请求没有提供。这可能是API密钥,用户会话,或其他形式的凭证。 服务器可能设置了阻止某些类型的请求,基于请求的来源。这通常是为了防止跨站请求伪造(CSRF...
nodeper5楼•2 个月前
axios 报错 AxiosError: connect ETIMEDOUT 的解决方法 最近在写一个,基于 Deno 的 Pixiv 网站爬虫,就先从 Node 爬虫搞起,知道大致流程了再用 Deno 实现一遍。但是 axios 请求一直报错,报错如下: axios 的报错 经过几天的努力,也没有找到解决方案。于是就在码云-gitee上找了最新的一篇关于 Node 爬取 pixiv 的...
im getting the error “OpenAI API Error: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 400” even though my api is working when test in postman for get modules, api key is in working state, even i have tried with multiple api keys? any idea ?_...
Describe the issue code : "ERR_BAD_RESPONSE" config : {transitional: {…}, adapter: 'xhr', transformRequest: Array(1), transformResponse: Array(1), timeout: 0, …} message : "Request failed with status code 500" name : "AxiosError" request...
AxiosError: Request failed with status code 401 After trying to login to react app, while my exploring on similar solutions I found some answer tell because there is no headers in axios, but I included them and no effect. I have a Login service to manipulate the API data ...