查找错误日志文件位置:在MySQL的配置文件中查找log_error配置项,它指定了错误日志文件的路径。 查看错误日志:使用文本编辑器或命令行工具(如cat, less, tail等)查看日志文件的内容,寻找与“unexpected shutdown”相关的错误信息。 bash # 示例命令,用于查看日志文件(请替换为您的实际日志文件路径) tail -f /var/lo...
1、退出XAMPP服务 2、到xampp\mysql\data 文件夹 3、删除ibdata1文件 4、重新启动 XAMPP 发现可以启动MySQL服务了
使用XAMPP打开其它都可以使用但是打开mysql就出现问题: Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly. This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method. Press the Logs button to view error logs and check the Windows Event Viewer for more...
It say your server isThe error message says you might already have a server running use on port 445. On your terminal, try shutting down all xammp server then restart xammp. C:\> "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin\mysqladmin" −u root shutdown to shut it down thhen resta...
When experiencing the "error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly", you can fix it with several methods, from deleting some data folder files to creating a data_old
\XAMPP\apache\conf\extra\ 这个目录下的 httpd-ssl.conf 所有443换成445(或其他等随意) (二)要删的文件也删了: 1.找到本地磁盘D:存放xampp的文件夹,点击打开文件夹 2.找到Mysql文件夹,点击打开 3.找到data文件夹,点击打开 4.找到 ibdata1 这个文件,并删除它 ...
A: The “Error: MySQL Shutdown Unexpectedly” can be fixed by freeing the port used by MySQL, checking your database configuration, or glancing into your firewall and making sure it’s not blocking database operations. If nothing works, clean the InnoDB storage engine. ...
36 XAMPP - Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly 21 Error in starting MYSQL in XAMPP 13 XAMPP MySQL service crash after reboot 18 Xampp MySQL not starting - “MYSQL not starting on XAMPP 3.2.1 version…” 9 mysqld.exe: Table '.\mysql\db' is marked as crashed and should be r...
If you have MySQL already installed on your windows then go to services.msc file on your windows and right click the MySQL file and stop the service, now open your XAMPP and start MySQL. Now MySQL will start on the port 3306. Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed...
xampp启动MySQL出现Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly.# 问题# 本周在学习教材第十一章时,按照老师教程执行xampp时,无法启动MySQL,如图: 可以打开Logs查看问题原因,我的错误原因是: Copy [ERROR] Can'tstart server: BindonTCP/IPport. Goterror:10048: 通常每个套接字地址(协议/网络地址/端口)只允许使用一次。