err_socks_connection_failed 是一个网络错误,通常出现在尝试通过 SOCKS 代理服务器访问网络资源时。这个错误表明浏览器或客户端无法通过配置的 SOCKS 代理服务器建立连接。 2. 常见原因 代理服务器配置错误:代理服务器的地址、端口、用户名或密码配置不正确。 代理服务器不可用:代理服务器可能由于维护、故障或网络问题...
string[] arg = new string[] { $"--proxy-server=\"socks5://\" --no-first-run --ignore-certificate-errors --window-size=\"1450,850\" --user-data-dir=" + Environment.CurrentDirectory + $"\\users_data\\{login}\\" }; var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new L...
Chrome doesn't support SOCKS authentication this "should" work by proxy-chaining withgostorredsocks(via) gost -L=socks5:// -F=socks5://$username:$password@$ipaddr:$port&chromium \ --proxy-server=socks5:// \"--proxy-bypass-list=<-loopback>"\"--host-resol...
The ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_FAILED error is a common issue that can affect various web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. This error occurs when the browser is unable to establish a connection to a desired website using the SOCKS proxy server. Although this can...
Context: Playwright Version: 1.29.1 Operating System: linux Node.js version: node18 Browser:chromium Code Snippet sorry, no easy code snippet for now as this involves a browserserver, i'll try to reduce a testcase in the coming days but ...